Wednesday, January 15, 2014

four months

Here is what Luca did during his fourth month:

- His four month stats: 15 lb 9.5 oz (51%ile), 24.75" long (31%ile), his head circumference is 44 cm (97%ile). The size of his head indicates how large his brain is :)

- He rolled over on November 9 for the first time, and he mastered rolling over both ways this month.
- Luca went to the beach for the first time when we visited family in Florida. We were so excited to see his reaction to the ocean water. The first time Lee dipped him in, Lee got a little excited and did it very quickly and poor Luca was startled and cried pretty hard. The second time, Lee did it a bit more gently and Luca seemed neutral about it. He made cute faces, but didn't cry or smile. We took daily walks on the beach and Luca napped through all of them. Wouldn't you if you were all cozy and snuggled up with the sound of crashing waves in the background? 
- He really loves sucking on his hands. I mean, he is obsessed. It's hard taking his picture because his hands are literally always clasped together and in his mouth. 
- He discovered the volume of his voice and a new grunting/gurgling voice sound. So he will randomly scream/grunt when we are least expecting it. 
- He is usually always smiling and talking. The only time he cries is if he is gassy- which isn't very often (and of course if he's tired or hungry).
- He likes to be held and snuggle a lot of the time. But he also decided this month that sometimes he needs his own space to kick and roll around and yell. 
- Luca dressed up as a redneck baby for his first Halloween. 

Here are some four month pictures:

(his neck is getting stronger!)


(his first dip in the ocean)

three months

I am so behind on these monthly update posts, but I am going to try and catch up as quickly as I can. Here is what happened in Luca's third month:

- at around 2.5 months he started sleeping through the night, from like 9 pm- 730 am 
- he reallllly likes to be the center of attention. I joke that he is just like his dad in this area. Anyone who knows both Lee and me know how true that statement is ;). But seriously, he loves when you talk to him, as soon as you look away- he gets pretty upset. 
- he hates being in his car seat unless the car is moving, so we pretty much hate red lights.
- Luca became partial to the song "be still" by the fray.  If he is upset, trying to fall asleep, that song works every single time. 
- he fights sleep, but he really likes when you sing to him. He calms right down and doesn't fight it as hard as soon as you start singing. My throat is usually sore by the end of the day because I sing a lot to him. Thankfully the fray works well when I need a break.
- if I take a video of him, he likes to watch/hear it as I watch it later on.
- he is so advanced, he already says words: mom, nana, hey, oh my, no
- he discovered his tongue- he loves to play with it, stick it out, etc.
- he sucks on everything- his fist is always in his mouth. He isn't interested in a pacifier- at all. 
- he snores sometimes when he's sleeping.
- his second favorite activity, right behind sucking his hands, is that he really likes to blow lots of spit bubbles.
- my favorite thing: he wakes up every day talking and laughing. It is the best alarm clock anyone could ever want or need. 

Here are some pictures of our super cute boy:

(he nailed the pout!)