Thursday, December 5, 2013


Lee and I always knew that we wanted to dedicate Luca. Our desire is to raise him to know and love the Lord. In fact, that is the most important thing to us.

Once we found out that we were going to be able to go to Connecticut after Luca was born, we decided that we wanted to dedicate him there during our trip. Walking into Crossroads to dedicate our son was a pretty surreal moment for me. I have sat and witnessed babies get dedicated for years. I have prayed for countless lives while watching parents- some I knew but most of whom I didn't- dedicate their children to the Lord. Before the service started, Lee and I took Luca in to meet with Mrs. Pat to learn the order of the service and what was going to happen/what we needed to do during the dedication. She also presented us with a red rose and a white rose, a bible, and a certificate. While she was telling us about the symbolism behind the roses and talking to us- I started to get really emotional. Partly because I was back in my home church, the one I grew up in. Partly because I was there to dedicate my son, my precious baby that I have prayed for and dreamt about for many years- way before he was conceived. But mostly I was getting emotional thinking about our Savior's love, and how thankful I was for the most miraculous gift I have ever received, my sweet baby boy.

The dedication was wonderful. Of course, I was afraid Luca was going to get upset right at the moment we were called up, but he did great. Since it wasn't a typical baby dedication service (since we were only in town on that specific date), we were the only ones dedicating our baby. Pastor Sean was the Pastor praying over us, talking to us, and asking us our intent. It meant so much that Pastor Sean was there because he was the Pastor that married Lee and me. It felt extra special to have him, three years and three months later, praying over us and our baby. In addition to Pastor Sean, Mrs. Pat was there holding Luca, anointing him with oil, and praying for him. That was also incredibly special for me since Mrs. Pat has been in my life since I was really little. She was there for me from when I was in Alpha, Omega, and Children's church, she was my JBQ coach, my camp counselor, and a loving support for me throughout high school and college years and still today. She played a big role in my life and has always prayed for me and with me in my 28 years of life,  and now she is praying for my son. It meant a lot to us- as you can imagine.

While dedicating Luca, my parents and Lee's mom stood behind us. Supporting us, praying for us and Luca, and promising to help us raise Luca in His Word. Not only did we have our parents behind us, but also siblings, Lee's grandma, cousins, friends who are like family, congregation members that I have known my whole life- all praying over our sweet boy. It was such a powerful moment that meant so much to us. Knowing that we have people in our lives who love our boy, and who are lifting him up in prayer is a pretty incredible feeling.

I am so grateful for the dedication service. I am so grateful for the family members and friends who made it to the service, and who pray for Luca each and every day. While it was hard not having my entire family there (missed you so so much Sarah and Josh), we were so thankful for those that were.

Meg, my close friend and personal photographer took our pictures. I am posting a ton because I had a hard time narrowing it down- I just love them all! It was a special night that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

showing him off to the congregation :) 

Love this sweet boy- and when he reached out his arms for me to pick him up? My heart melted.

photo shoot time:

Lee's family :) 

Great Grams

Grandma Goodin

Auntie Taylor and Uncle Josh (Parker)

Auntie Heather

Nana and Papa

my family- minus S and J

So grateful the Alders came!

Love Lynn and her family :)

(I just love these two - you can just see her love for Luca oozing out, great capture Meg!)

Dont be mad Ame, but I had to include all these- I just love all the outtakes! 

It feels like just yesterday I was rushing to the hospital to meet Mason.

Meg is in front of the camera!

Auntie Meg and Auntie Amy


Is he not the cutest??


  1. love this! wish i could've been there. those outtakes with amy made me laugh out loud.

  2. Yike, I'm crying! Beautiful post and capture of such a special night. So grateful to have been able to be there. I miss my Luca-loo! (PS - I think I need those photos and I'm glad you included the outtakes. They're pretty true to life!) xo

  3. Miss this day, SO much!!! How about you come back this weekend and we'll do it again??! Great recap. Love u and my Luca-man! xo

  4. Oh man, tears again. Your mom's hand on Lee's back during the prayer! And Luca looking at me in the photo with me, you, and Meg.
