Tuesday, February 4, 2014

that moment.

Luca is now six and a half months old. It is crazy how fast time is flying by. It feels like just yesterday we were at the hospital welcoming him into our family. That moment, when he made his entrance into the world, that moment was the best moment in my entire life. That moment, when I first laid eyes on my precious boy for the very first time still (almost daily) replays in my mind, and each time it does my eyes fill with tears and I am almost certain my heart will burst.

You see, that moment is one that no one can prepare you for. As much as you love someone else's kids, it will never be the same as the love you feel for your own child. That love is something that you can't comprehend until it happens to you. People told me that, especially when I worried (as I am sure many moms-to-be worry), "What if I don't love him enough?" They told me that is probably the most ridiculous thing to worry about because that love is inevitable. Even after hearing that though, I still didn't grasp the concept. Because the truth is you can't imagine or understand or prepare for that love. Until of course, that moment.

Labor was grueling. Hands down, the hardest, most painful thing I have ever had to do. While laboring I informed Lee, multiple times, that we were NEVER doing this ever again. I was in so much pain, there was no way I would put my body through this a second time. I shudder, even now thinking back to that pain. But what made that pain worth it? That moment.

The one where I felt like I had nothing left to give. Yet somehow I managed to gather up all my strength and courage and push one last time. The one where I was sweating and exhausted and I looked down and saw my precious baby boy for the very first time. He was perfect. He was crying, and the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. That moment where I got to talk to him and see his face at the same time. That moment where my family of two, became a family of three. That moment when my life changed forever. And my heart grew 50 times bigger only so that it had enough room to house all of my love for this precious little life.

That moment was unreal. It changes you. That moment is by far, my favorite. One that I would have endured anything for. That moment puts a smile on my face every single time I remember back to it. And every time I remember it, my heart is flooded with emotion.

Now, having experienced it myself, when I know someone is pregnant and expecting their first child I am over the moon for them. Why? Because I know that they get to experience that moment. And my heart is filled with joy knowing how much richer their life is going to become after they have that moment with their precious baby like we did with our love, Luca.

I am so grateful for that moment. Because that moment is what life is all about.



  1. Wow! Beautiful. So glad you got to experience that and remember it so well. Such a gift!

  2. just cried my eyes out! yes, indeed there is no way to describe that moment no way to prepare for that moment, the only way to really know is to experience it. Being a mom is the most precious gift, that moment that chances our lives forever, that moment when you feel your heart beating outside of your own body.Their joy is our joy, their pain is our pain, their lives show us what life is all about. such a great post Tiffany!! xoxo to you and your little sweet angel Luca!
