Thursday, May 22, 2014


I am probably the worst blogger in the history of bloggers. I think about blogging daily. But then my day happens and it's 8 pm and I am ready for bed. Here's the thing. Luca is seriously so much fun that when he's awake I sit on the floor and play with him. All day long. And when he's napping? I work for my mom's business, and I write blog posts for her. And when Luca is in bed at night? I always choose to spend time with Lee, and I never even pick up my computer. In fact, I love to read other people's blogs but I am so behind on those too.

I love my life. I love being home with Luca, and I am so incredibly thankful that I am able to do it. And I really like blogging, mostly because I want to document what's happening so that I don't forget it. Not because I think my life is so amazing that other people are dying to hear about it. I want to be able to look back and reread things that happened and relive those moments all over again. So I am going to do my best to get better at this.

Here is a recent Luca picture to hold you over (Sarah, H, and Amy) until I get to post the monthly updates (I am like 4 months behind, but I will post them...slowly but surely).

Ok, I posted more than one. How could I not? Do you see those cheeks?


  1. I see those cheeks!! I hear them too!! They're calling my nameeee!!

  2. You can do it, you can do it!!! You will never regret it! :) I LOVE the cart pic of him because for some reason he looks little in it and then I fool myself into thinking he's not growing up without me!!! Plus, the little buckle under his arm pits? Kills me!
