Thursday, January 22, 2015

story time.

I am very behind in blogging, and while I do have every intention in getting caught up some day (hopefully soon), I wanted to take the time to document the time I spent with Lee and Luca today. I wanted to write it all down while it was fresh in my mind so that I didn't forget all the small details of the day. While I like to think I will always remember and cherish days like today, I am afraid that's not always the case. So having it documented to look back on is so helpful, and why I started this blog in the first place.

Recently I have been working a lot more outside of the home. For most of Luca's life thus far I have been able to work from home because my hours/work load were super flexible. However, for the past 2 months I have been going into the office and working all day. One of the hardest things about working outside of the home is feeling like I am missing out on Luca's days. Not knowing what stories he likes to read over and over again, or what toy is his current favorite, etc. I know that sounds silly since I see him every night but it's not the same. He is growing and changing so quickly that it feels like I am missing out on so much when I am not with him. I long to know all of these things and it breaks my heart to walk out the door each morning.

Today, however, I had the day off. The entire day. Which meant that my only job was to focus on my sweet boy. I didn't have any work to get done while he was napping, or things to accomplish with him while he was awake. And it was SO nice. I desperately needed a day like today. It wasn't anything fancy or out of the ordinary. But I think that's what made it so perfect.

To start the day, Lee and I took Luca to his first story hour. I feel like I should have taken him to one sooner, but with his morning nap and my work schedule it made it challenging to get out the door in time for one. Anyway, today we went to one at a library in uptown Charlotte. The library is pretty cool and almost looks more like an interactive museum than a library- full of things to entertain him for hours.

Having never been to this library or a story hour (with Luca) before, I was curious to see how Luca would do. I know he much he loves to read books at home, but being in a new environment surrounded by other kids was a different story (see what I did there? It wasn't even intentional).

The story hour was great- full of poems, hand claps, songs, stories, dancing, and bubbles. Luca, however, lost interest in the first story and was really more interested in exploring this cool new place. He did better after the first story because there was music and singing and he LOVES to dance. The last story that was read was about cars and even had a motorcycle in it, which was right up his alley. So he listened to that story in it's entirety and loved it.

At the end of story hour the person in charge blew lots of bubbles. When Luca saw the bubbles- I tell you, I have never seen such sheer joy in all my life. He smiled the biggest, most excited smile with both arms up in the air in complete awe of the bubbles. And then he got on his hands and knees so he could crawl around and try to pop the bubbles on the ground. He had the best time.

After the story hour was over (and all the bubbles had been popped), we explored the different areas in the library where Luca could play and he absolutely loved it all. And we loved watching him love it all. He was friendly with all the other kids (he loves to wave to everyone and anyone), shared well, and was all around just so happy.

Up until now, when we have gone places with Luca and there are other kids around, he tended to stay near us and shy away from interacting with other kids that are in large groups. But today he didn't do that. He was completely comfortable in going and exploring, trying to grab bubbles, play and dance- all without knowing if we were right beside him or not. I think it was seeing that new independence in him that made today such a great day for me. I feel like he has grown into a little boy in the past few weeks, and while I am sad to see him leave the baby stage, I am also incredibly proud of him. My heart beams to see him try new things and step out of his comfort zone in order to do so. Seeing him today- he seemed so grown up and I am so grateful that I was able to witness it first hand. The feelings of extreme pride and joy and love that I felt today as I watched my boy become more independent are what I don't want to forget. I wish I could take days like today and bottle them up and carry them around in my pocket.

Not only did I love seeing the growth Luca has made, but there is seriously nothing greater than seeing your child see/experience something new for the first time. The look of complete awe and fascination is priceless. Seeing things through his eyes turns something ordinary into something magical. Being able to see life through his eyes is such a gift, one I am incredibly grateful for.

The rest of our day consisted of naps, play time at home, play time at the park, hide and seek with Nana, and bedtime stories. While those sound like such ordinary activities, they felt extraordinary today.

I am so grateful for my boy, and so grateful for all that he has brought into our lives.

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