Thursday, July 18, 2013

week 39

This week was a good one for me because my mom arrived. I was so excited for her to get here because, obviously, I couldn't wait to hug her and spend time with her, but also because it meant that baby G could be coming at any time. She got here early last Wednesday morning and it has been so nice spending so much time with her. Last week, while I was really excited for baby G to arrive, I was also loving the quality time that I was spending with my mom. Just me and my mom. I knew I wouldn't get that time ever again so I was just thoroughly enjoying it. While I am still thoroughly enjoying it, at 40 weeks and 2 days I would really appreciate if baby G would just come now.

My mom, Josh, and I were playing skip-bo one night last week and I asked my mom if she was going to love me less once the baby arrived (for anyone who knows my mom knows that she is literally over the moon with excitement and has been anticipating this time- years before I even got pregnant, so I thought it was a fair question). Josh instantly piped up and said, "no Tiffany, we aren't going to love you any less. We will just love him more." Thanks Josh. :)

The baby is really low and in position ready to join us. Which is great news, the doctor seemed pretty excited about it so I was too. Until I realized how much more uncomfortable it is to have the baby's head that low. ohmyword. And I thought I was uncomfortable before? I had no idea.

Everything else is the same as the past few weeks, although I have been sleeping much better at night. I just wake up every hour and a half to run to the bathroom. Thankfully though I can go right back to sleep. I am trying to soak up all the sleep I can get now!

Also, my belly is quite large. I sometimes forget how big it is. The other day I had set a roll of toilet paper on the counter, and as I turned to dry my hands the toilet paper roll went flying into the toilet. I couldn't figure out how on earth that happened when I suddenly realized my belly knocked it in as I turned. Oy.

I have also become a bit more irritable and biting my tongue isn't something I do well anymore. Yikes! My poor family that is living with me. Thankfully they are all so understanding and loving and when I say I am sorry, knowing I am being awful, they always say "it's ok! it's not your fault."  Either that or they just don't speak around me for a little bit and they give me my time to rant.  In my defense, it is HOT, I am past my due date, I am uncomfortable, and lastly, people in this world are annoying and sometimes need to be called on it.

When we were growing up, my mom always used to say to us four kids as we left for school for the day, "have a good day! hope you get an A!" I got a text this morning from my sister that said, "have a good day! hope you get a bay(by)!" I hope so too, h!

We have received so many thoughtful, kind messages wishing us luck and letting us know that we are in people's prayers. I am so thankful for them, they are such an encouragement. We are so grateful for our friends and family that love us so much!

Here is a bump picture:

Come on baby!! We are so ready to meet you, cuddle with you, and love on you!

1 comment:

  1. love this post. i love that j said we will just love him more without missing a beat. so glad you're getting more sleep! and i laughed out loud at the toilet paper in the toilet. i wish i was a fly on the wall in that moment - i bet your face was funny/confused. for real though, you look SO GOOD. mom sent me that picture of you cleaning and you can't even tell you're pregnant from behind! can't wait to see you and meet him!
