Sunday, July 7, 2013

weeks 37 & 38

Things are about the same as they were a few weeks ago. I am feeling more and more ready to have this little guy- mostly because I am so uncomfortable I just can't stand it any longer and of course,  because we just can't wait much longer to meet our little man!

Sleep is touch and go- I struggle the most at night. I have a really hard time getting comfortable enough to fall asleep so I usually end up getting up and taking a shower, sitting/bouncing on my yoga ball, sitting in weird positions on the couch reading, etc. The most frustrating part is that I am genuinely so tired and just can't get to sleep. I don't nap during the day mostly because I am afraid if I do, then it will be even harder for me to sleep at night.

The bigger baby G gets and the less room he has to move around in can make it a bit more painful when he does move. I still love watching him in action, even if it is painful and uncomfortable sometimes. It is just so amazing watching him move, it fascinates me! When Lee watches he usually says something along the lines of, "he's trying to escape and you aren't letting him! He just wants to come play with me." One day we were just sitting in the living room watching TV or something and he randomly said, "ok, I would really like a playmate right now. So maybe you could have him today?" After my doctor's appointment I was explaining what the doctor said, how dilated I was, etc. and after he asked what all the numbers meant I said, "basically it means we're making progress but we aren't there yet" and his response was "well, I'd like to be there now" :) Lee is getting really anxious and is beyond ready to meet our boy. I love hearing and seeing his excitement, it really melts my heart.

I am measuring right on track, which means that the doctor is predicting that he will be an average sized baby (between 7.5-8 pounds). I am thankful for that since I was a really big baby- my poor mom!

Here are some bump pictures (they aren't the most flattering or best quality but honestly, I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I could really care less what I look like. I am just trying to stay comfortable and cool):

Lee and I walk every day- we can't wait to take baby G on our nightly walks with us. :) 

I just can't wait to meet our little man! I hope he comes soon! 

*One more thing: this morning we were eating breakfast and Lee was chewing/breathing SO loudly. I literally stopped eating and watched him for like a minute because I wasn't sure how on earth a human needed to consume cereal as loudly as he was. I commented to him and as soon as the words left my mouth I instantly thought of that Friends episode, where Rachel is pregnant with Emma and she was so irritable and grouchy at the end and commented on Ross' loud breathing. Her grumpiness in that episode made me realize that I am pretty sure Lee's breathing was normal and that I was probably the one with the problem. I will do my best to bite my tongue in the days (Lord help me if it's weeks) ahead as I am sure I am only going to become more and more consistently grumpy. 


  1. You look aMaZiNg!!!! Can't wait to hear the news. P.S....the end of pregnancy does NOT equal more sleep...sorry to burst that bubble!
