Monday, December 11, 2017

December 2017, week 1

Sunday, December 3

Luca was starting to get a cold on Saturday. It seemed to get worse as the day went on. He woke up around 11 pm and just couldn't go back to sleep. He was really congested and coughing a lot. After trying to get him to sleep for over an hour, he said his stomach hurt. I was thinking he might've been hungry because he didn't eat much at dinner. Turns out he had a little bit of a stomach bug. (Heads up- this is a lot of detail so feel free to skip to the next picture.) It was actually his first stomach bug, he had never vomited prior to this day. Ever. It was an interesting experience, having a stomach bug through a 4 year old's eyes. It was obvious that he didn't know what was happening to his body and it scared him a little. I had to hold his body each time he got sick over the toilet, while encouraging him and telling him it was going to be ok. He would flail his body when he heaved/vomited, and I was obviously trying to keep him contained and aiming in one place so there was less mess to clean up. He got sick 5 times from midnight until around 3/4 am. After each time he vomited he'd look up at me and say, "am I done?" Poor guy. It was awful to see him so sick and know that there wasn't anything I could do about it. He slept from around 4 am until 7:30 am and didn't get sick again. And when he woke up on Sunday am, he had SO much energy. It was almost alarming. He was literally talking nonstop, playing hard, almost as if he had gotten too much sleep the night before. 

Experiencing a stomach bug with my child for the first time was definitely interesting. I have to say, when I was growing up I always imagined I wouldn't be able to handle it. I have a really weak stomach (to say the least) and a sensitive gag reflux. But seeing him sick, didn't make me feel sick at all. I felt completely fine physically, I didn't gag once!  Also, it should be noted that my arms were sore all day Sunday from holding his flailing body over the toilet all night. 

We didn't have any plans for Sunday except to decorate for Christmas, but since Luca was sick all night, we all just stayed home and in PJ's for most of the day. Lee and I were exhausted, and Luca still had a pretty bad cold, though no more stomach issues. 

We decorated for Christmas and ended up rearranging our furniture and cleaning. We had also planned on organizing and sorting all the boys toys but we hit a point where we were just too tired and couldn't go anymore. We had done so much all day, and after very little sleep we were done. 

Monday, December 4

Luca woke up this am and said he really didn't feel well and didn't want to go to school. He got a little emotional about it, which is pretty unlike him (he LOVES school), so I decided to keep him home. Besides, I miss that boy when he is in school so I always air on the side of "ok, lets stay home together!"

Jack really likes being outside. Often times he will stand at the door and cry/whine letting me know that's what he would like to go do. And below, he was getting his coat all ready too. 

During Luca's rest time he made me a lego car for my desk. Sweet boy. 

How else do other people make dinner with a one year old? Because the only way I can do it is to let Jack make a mess in the pantry and/or cabinets. 

He carried this can of soda around all night long. 

Lee got himself a bowl of cereal this night and poured a bowl of fruity pebbles and topped it off with a few chex. I asked why he did that and he said, "what? It's like the frosting." Which made me laugh out loud. 

Tuesday, December 5

Luca didn't have school this day, which worked out because he still wasn't feeling well. I ended up telling my dad not to come so that I could be with the boys and he could stay away from our germs. During Jack's am nap, Luca moved over on the couch and said, "mom, I cleared a spot for you!" And then we snuggled while he watched a movie. He told me his Rescue Bots were also snuggling with us. 

Wanting to drink Mommy's water and not his own, which you can see on the floor behind him. 

Jack is always trying to make seats out of anything and everything. He always tries to do it on the bottom bar of our chairs. He will sit there like it's a bench and kick his feet. It cracks me up when he does it, because anything that looks like it could potentially fit him he will try and sit down on. And he also always tries to dangle his feet while doing so. 

More snuggles during Jack's pm nap (because you know that when Jack is awake Momma doesn't get to sit).

When Jack woke up from his nap, the way his hair curled by his ears killed me. And reminded me of Luca when he was a baby. So I tried like 14 times to try and capture them in a photo. 


I had my camera out for some reason and Luca, all on his own, leaned in near Jack and smiled. 

I mean...come on! 

Wednesday, December 6

Luca went back to school this day and Jack woke from his am nap a bit earlier than normal so we had some one on one play time before picking up Luca from school. He doesn't really play with toys much, so I sat on the kitchen floor and we played in all the cabinets and in the pantry while he had a quick snack. And it was just the best time, for both of us. I love watching his little mind work and personality develop. He is definitely an independent thinker and problem solver, which is why I think he isn't into toys as much. 

These cutting boards are his current favorite, though he prefers the biggest one we have. Which is the size of his entire body and when he tries to carry it around the house it makes him trip and fall. 

He sticks out his tongue when he is focused/doing things and it cracks me up. 

When Lee gets home from work, often times Luca will run and hide from him and jump out and roar at him after he walks in the door. He thinks it's just the funniest thing. This day when Luca heard the garage door open and ran under the table, Jack ran to join him (all on his own). And he sat there with him until Lee came in! It was the sweetest thing. Brothers are the best! 

I made a new recipe this night. Brown rice/quinoa pasta with a creamy dairy free pumpkin sauce. Lee saw it and said excitedly, "Oh! It looks like Mac and cheese!" Then he took his first bite and quickly added, "Oh wow, it definitely does NOT taste like Mac and Cheese." He may or may not have added cheese to his bowl. But he did have three helpings! 

Thursday, December 7

Today was a work day for me. I love looking around my computer screen to see these two faces.

Luca put his arms out for a hug! This boy kills me. He is so lovey! After I finished working, about 10 minutes after I snapped the above photo, I was standing in the office talking to my dad and he comes in and announces, "mom, I need you to show me some love." You got it bud! 

Post work, pre dinner snuggles. I couldn't believe Jack was actually sitting still. It lasted for around 3 minutes, but still! He asked to come up, sat there watching the movie that was on for record time! 

After said three minutes, he quickly got down to swat ornaments off the tree. He doesn't show much interest in the tree, but he will randomly try and swat it. Or unplug it. 

Another thing he is really into is climbing into things. He will empty the toys out of the basket or just hop right in with all the toys. He also loves climbing in and out and in and out. Of course. 

Friday, December 8

Since I didn't work Tuesday, I worked this day to make up for it. 

Post work/pre dinner selfies/snuggles. 

We were going to get in our PJ's and drive around and look at all the Christmas lights after dinner this night but it was freezing raining so we just stayed in. Lee ended up getting out of work early because of the rain.

Saturday, December 9

I woke up and had to run a few errands this am. I left early because one of the places I had to go was the mall and I wanted to get in and out before it got really busy. After I got home, it had started snowing. We took the boys out for a minute to experience what we could of it since it didn't stick or last long. Luca was into it. Jack was not. Neither was Lee, he wouldn't come out in it at all. He would only stand in the door way taking pictures. 

He was SO unimpressed. He gave it stink face the entire time. 

I caught Luca's cold and had/still have a pretty nasty cough all week. Lee had a sore throat for one day. 

We did some painting and crafting after lunch before naps. After naps, we dropped both boys at my parents house and Lee and I went to church (which was SO good and I am hoping to share a separate post about). 

My mom bought Luca some cute Under Armor clothes a few weeks back. This was the first day he wore them and he was OBSESSED. He kept saying "I love this suit! Do you see my new suit?!" Killed me that he kept referring to it as his "suit". 


  1. Jack's smile KILLS me! Also, he reminds me SO much of my boys with how busy and into everything non-toys he is. ;) Luca in his UA "suit" is so cute! I think maybe love of UA "suits" is innate for boys?!

  2. It's wild to me how much Jack is looking like Luca, nowadays! That thanksgiving comparison photo really threw me, because how is it not the same baby, at the same age, in both?!
    Hope you're all feeling better!

  3. Jack's cheeks and profile and face!!! Wish I could smooch him (and his brother) right up! <3 That pumpkin pasta looks delish. Glad everyone is feeling better. xo
