Wednesday, January 24, 2018

December 2017, Week 4

Sunday, December 24

I woke this morning with a little bit of a scratchy throat, but was feeling pretty good overall. The boys  still weren't feeling good, though Jack's fever had broken, so Lee stayed home with them and Sarah and I went to church. Going to church on Christmas Eve is my very favorite tradition. Last year, the boys were sick and I stayed home and Lee went. Hopefully next year we will be able to all go together, as a family. Going is my favorite tradition, however, going without my entire family is not my favorite.

By the time we got home from church it was pretty late into the day (looking at you parking situation!). We just hung out at home the rest of the day. My mom made baked ziti (tradition) and brought it over to our house. We ate dinner together and then opened a few gifts. The boys opened one gift from us (tradition) and then we exchanged sibling gifts (tradition). It was a little bit hectic but fun and exciting as the boys anticipation grew for Christmas Day. 

Tried hard to get a family photo, didn't really work out for us.

Jack's face in these kill me! 

Coloring in his giant coloring book with his giant red crayon from Auntie. 

Jack was so enamored with the on/off buttons until he realized what the toy actually did. 

Then he loved making all the noises as he walked. 

Playing while we wait for Luca to finish his bath. 

Jack's new thing is that he LOVES to run. He just started walking a few months ago but he likes to bolt! He falls almost immediately but it makes me laugh so hard to see the look in his eye and then see him take off. That boy is going places!

Trying to take a nice photo, usually starts or ends like this. 

Got one!

Come on!!!

Excited and ready for bed!

Santa came! 

And because I couldn't help myself, I made another comparison pic! 

Monday, December 25

We woke Christmas morning and my parents and Sarah (who had slept at my parents on Christmas Eve) came over bright and early to watch the boys open their gifts. Unfortunately, Lee and I woke feeling not so great. The boys were still sick too- though I think they were still able to enjoy the day in spite of not feeling well.

Stairs picture (tradition). 

Reading the Christmas Story. This year we opted for a really good book Auntie H got the boys. It tells the story so beautifully and with illustrations that kept Luca captivated.

Jack felt that it was his job to pass out all the gifts while I read the story. 

He took the job very seriously. 

(This is how I spend as much time as possible- squeezing my boys for as long as they will allow.)

Jack loved the spatula I got. He made a nice drum set with the popcorn and had so much fun!

Since, Jack was distracted I opened most of his gifts. And then admired them on his behalf. 

The toy Luca talked about getting every single day leading up to Christmas, big dinosaur Chase. 

Still drumming. 

Transforming his new Chase.

Jack would only cooperate for pictures with his spatula and "drum".

New uses for his favorite gift/my spatula. 

Lee surprised me and got me the cordless vacuum I had really been wanting. 

We bought Jack a cleaning set because he loves when I sweep. He thinks it's hysterical, like a game that he is always trying to play when I use it. So we got him his own set. I laughed because it was the year of the cleaning supplies gifts (little did I know what was coming too!) apparently.

Goodbye beloved spatula, hello broom and dust pan! 

Jack sweeps, Luca mops. Foreshadowing?! 

Lee's dad sent him a fire pit, I had asked my dad to take it to their house so that Lee wouldn't see it (how was I supposed to hide that huge box?!). So he had to work to get his gift off the truck before he could see what it was. 

Luca has this thing where he absolutely hates book jackets. As soon as he gets a book that has one, it comes off immediately. And if we pick a book up to read and the book jacket is back on, it must come off before we read. 

Barefoot dreams cardigan = what dreams are made of.

Jack loved cleaning up all the wrapping paper, which made my dad beyond thrilled. He took such pride in throwing it away. Clearly. 

The one of my dad cracks me up- Luca in the background playing with all the new toys and Pops working diligently on Luca's new lego set even though Luca ditched him. 

The cutest taco serving platter, anyone want to come for tacos??

Soma PJ tradition, the best tradition that I never want to end. Ever. 

(Except I had forgotten to remind my dad to give Mom hers the night before so she didn't open hers until later in the day on Christmas. So her red ones are from last year.)

After we finished opening gifts at our house, we all got dressed and headed to my parents. We watched them open their gifts for one another and then they gave us our gifts. Afterwards, they hosted a delicious (as always) meal where the Waltmire and Philips families joined us.

As soon as we arrived, Jack bolted for Pops. He is obsessed

Waiting patiently while Nana, Pops, and Auntie opened their gifts. Luca did so well waiting for his turn. 

My parents are the cutest and both unknowingly got each other new wedding bands for Christmas. Both were equally surprised. Though my mom may show it a little bit more dramatically than my dad.

Trying to pose with their new rings. 

Are they not the cutest??

My parents got me a roomba! I was so surprised, clearly. It really was the year of the cleaning supplies and I couldn't be happier about it! 

Lee had been asking for an electric toothbrush for years. He was so excited to finally get one. Lucky for me, the kind my parents got him came in a pack of two so I also got one. Let me tell you, electric toothbrushes are life changing! 

Luca admiring his huge new dinosaur, Lee is admiring his toothbrushes! 

Taking a quick rest in between all the cleaning and gift opening and whatnot. 

Lee is the best. The above photo is his fake snoring face and it makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. 

Another quick break for Jack. It's hard work cleaning up all that paper!

My mom got my dad a new TV for their bedroom. He was very surprised. And again, my parents are the cutest. 

When you really don't want to take a photo with your brother in your matching outfits but you are trying really hard. Kind of.

After we got home from my parents, Luca and I both had developed fairly high fevers. Lee and I put the boys right to bed, and then I went right to bed. Lee, though he wasn't feeling well either, cleaned up the chaos mess that was downstairs all by himself. He is my Christmas MVP. 

Tuesday, December 26

We woke on Tuesday and I was fairly certain Luca had strep throat. He still had a fever and was complaining of a sore throat. I knew it was strep because of the way he was talking, I could hear it in his throat. Jack had his 15 month well visit scheduled for the next morning, so I decided to watch Luca and see how he felt the next am and get him checked at Jack's appointment as opposed to going to the doctor's office twice. I still wasn't feeling well so we just stayed home, playing with new toys but mostly laying and watching movies. Jack did lots of sweeping, sweet little cleaning boy.

Wednesday, December 27

We went to Jack's well visit this am, and it turns out Luca did have strep. So after the appointment, we spent the day home resting, watching movies and playing with new toys. Jack's appointment went well- his doctor was thrilled with his weight gain and growth (yay Jack!). He had to get some blood drawn to check on his liver levels (which are back to normal!) and that was not enjoyable to experience, again. But I am thankful he is well and that was the extent of the "hard" for his appointment. Beyond thankful for healthy boys, that is not something I take for granted. 

After we got home I built one of Luca's new toys. It was my first time doing that alone. 

Attempting to build with my little buddy on my lap. 

My sweet, sick boy loved and appreciated all of his momma's hard work. 

Thursday, December 28

Luca woke this am with major bed head so I asked to take his picture. The following series is what he gave me. 

Jack kept putting his water on the helicopter pad on Luca's new fire house and every time I would move it, he would put it back. He is too much! 

After a dose of medicine, we were feeling a bit better this day. So we spent time playing/crafting with our new paint sponges. 

This cutie "painted" too with his new water paint brush set. 

Sweet brothers. Gosh, watching them play together kills me. 

Friday, December 29

Doing shrinky dinks with Auntie this morning 

Another thing Jack is obsessed with is our coffee/tea mugs. Whenever Lee or my dad drink theirs (because let's be honest, if I am watching Jack I don't get to sit and hold my mug), whether it be in a travel mug or regular mug, Jack insists on having one too. So we got him his own little coffee set that he loved. 

Playing with his shrinky dinks. 

My parents came over this night and brought pizza. Luca closed his eyes during the prayer, which he doesn't usually do because it makes his eyes tear. I always tell him he doesn't have to close them so tightly but that must be the only way he knows how? In any event, I happened to have my eyes open during the dinner prayer and saw him. After the prayer ended, he proudly declared "I closed my eyes!" I sure do love that boy. (Also, Lee clearly kept his eyes closed during the prayer. After working all week and not feeling well, he was pretty beat by Friday night. As evidenced in the photo above.)

Saturday, December 30

Sarah and I went to Target this am. Abby had texted us that Hearth and Hand stuff was on sale and that there were new products, so we decided to go and look. I needed to go anyways so it worked out. I don't have any pictures from our trip, but I am including it here because it was one of my favorite parts of the week. We talked about what we wanted for 2018, what it looked like to us, what our goals were, what things we believed were going to happen even though it looked (to us, at this point) that they are unlikely to happen, etc. It was such a good conversation. I love dreaming and believing and declaring things with her. She encourages me to see and think beyond what I am used to/what I am comfortable with. I have grown so much in the last year because of her wisdom and encouragement, so talking about 2018 with her just felt so appropriate and so needed. I am beyond grateful for her, and for all of our conversations like this one that inspire me to grow and believe not only more deeply in God, but also myself.

Lee was feeling a bit better this morning for the first time all week so he set up his fire pit. I grabbed the ingredients for s'mores at Target so when we got back we roasted some marshmallows and made those. Luca was more interested in just the marshmallows, untoasted. 

Sarah left this day, but luckily she was able to sneak in a s'more before she left. 

If you look closely, you will see Sarah inside watching all the fun. The cold was just too much for her to bear. (This picture makes me laugh out loud.)

This cutie woke from his nap and was ready to join the fun. He LOVES being outside. 

I took like 56428 photos of him in the hat because, I just can't handle how cute he is! 

We were waiting/playing while Daddy built Jack's new bike. 

Jack got a new bike, and Luca got new police sirens and lights for his bike. Those sirens are not quiet.  Not even a little bit. I probably should've read the reviews on them before purchasing, sorry neighbors! 

My top 9 from instagram that I never posted anywhere, so I will put it here. Those three boys of mine sure did make my year and heart so very full. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Loved seeing your photos from Christmas. I especially enjoy the boys' Christmas pjs!
