Thursday, January 12, 2023

Week one.

Saturday, December 31 
I’m including this day to remember what we did to ring in the New Year. 

We started the day with a workout at CrossFit. I surprised myself with this one and felt so comfortable and strong doing hang power cleans at 80#!

After the gym, we went over to my parents house for lunch and more cousin play time (H & fam were in town visiting for Christmas and leaving the next am). Jamya had a grand plan to put on a play, which the boys happily participated in. They performed the Christmas story and Uncle Josh joined in too, as King Herod. Jamya was Mary, Olive was baby Jesus, Luca, Jack, and Isaac were wise men.

They made a plan but then felt overwhelmed with all the prep work so the start time kept changing. This sign made me laugh.
My parents gifted each grandchild with a Buffalo plaid shirt or dress and got themselves each one too so they could all match.
After lunch, we came home for a night in. We made dinner and all sat around the table discussing 2022- all the highs and lows and things we learned. Then we talked about 2023- all we were hoping and believing for and any goals we wanted to set. We talked through John 15:5 as our word for 2022 was remain and our word for 2023 is fruit. It was really cool talking through the verse and explaining it to the boys (I even drew a diagram). The entire conversation was just so good. The boys shared really good things, things I wouldn’t have guessed or predicted they’d say and I loved getting that kind of glimpse into who they are and how they think. After we made our 2023 list, we prayed over it and the upcoming year. 

After dinner, we made brownie sundaes and played family games. The boys chose Jenga and headbandz.
Sunday, January 1

Heather and family stopped by for one last hug on their way home. Which meant I got to see Isaac’s first tooth hole in person! (He has lost his first the night before. It may seem silly but doing life far apart is hard and I felt grateful to be there for a “first” for him.)
The rest of the day was spent resting, playing, building magna tiles, and watching football together.

Monday, January 2

Lee had this day off, so we got to go to the gym together one last time before he went back to his 6 am time slot.
Playing Barbie’s with my best girl.
Olive LOVES a selfie.
Dinner time is so fun (and so messy!) giving her new foods to explore.
She was extra snuggly this night after she was done nursing before bed. It’s few and far between these days that she’ll willingly lay her head on my shoulder.
Tuesday, January 3
No picture this day apparently. 

Wednesday, January 4

We started school again this day. We mostly did crafts and science experiments the boys for for Christmas. One of the things they got were water markers which were super fun to use.
The boys love for Olive is through the roof. They both ask to hold her all the time, Luca especially. He’s very vocal about how much he loves her while Jack loves her more quietly- so accurate to their personality types. She’s one lucky girl!

Thursday, January 5

Olive was looking extra cute to me this day so I took 263637 pictures of her. Whoops.
She started doing this new thing where she’ll randomly throw both hands up into the air, it’s hysterical. We aren’t sure if she’s praising Jesus or saying the field goal is good!
Her smile changes when she sees one of her brothers.
My heart.
Luca loves to hold her standing up. I’m clearly extra cautious about that.
Friday, January 6

Luca looked so grown walking in from the gym this am.
My Aunt Marcia from NY is so intentional about being a part of the kids’ lives and the boys schooling. She organized an entire science lesson to teach them this day. It was the best!
After Lee finished work, we went to my parents for dinner and gender reveal cupcakes for Josh and Abby’s baby. Olive and I were team girl.
Team boy.
While there, I finally remembered to take a picture of the kids with our Christmas gift to my parents. I wanted to document their faces at the ages they wrote that.  Jack wrote “dear nana and pops,” “we love you,” and his name. Luca wrote the rest.

Saturday, January 7

After the gym this day we were going to take the boys to a few stores to spend Christmas gift cards but Jack wasn’t feeling his best so we ended up hanging at home instead.

My parents were cleaning out their closets and my mom was sending old photos to us.
I see so much of Olive in my baby photos!

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