Sunday, May 21, 2023

Week twenty.

Sunday, May 14
Happy Mother’s Day!

I woke to a text that Abby’s water broke! Sweet Evie Amelia was born shortly after and we spent the day waiting for pictures and details about her/them. We were all over the moon immediately with our niece/cousin. 

The boys decorated for me as a surprise and Lee made everyone breakfast while I got ready for church. 

Streamers and a “royal rug”

A photo wall.

They put “Magnolia” on the tv, put a blanket on me, and served me breakfast on the couch so I could sit and eat and watch. (They were all done eating.)

They each bowed after they served me.

Olive did well for 3/4 of the church service. I’ll take it!

After church, Lee made us brunch while Olive napped.

When Olive woke, we went over to my parents to see my mom. We chatted, played kickball, and went for a walk trying to catch Pokémon.

Then we came home and I made dinner. Olive got into the cabinets for the first time!

She keeps boycotting her afternoon nap and falling fast asleep nursing at bedtime.

Monday, May 15
Happy Monday! I went to put my mouth guard down and alarmingly, found a friend in it’s spot.

Gym, chiro, school, waiting for more Evie intel/pics because we’re obsessed. 😂

Watching him work independently is my favorite. I could eat him right up!

Luca was talking to Olive after her nap and she started snuggling her stuffed animals at her neck and then she patted their heads! It’s wild to see things in her that seem innate, like nurturing her stuffed animal friends.

The way she looks at him though.

When I walked in, she looked at me like she was just so pleased Luca was with her. Like all was right in her world.

Tuesday, May 16
At the gym this day I got my first toes to bar and ran a sub ten minute mile (9:47). 

Still into wearing just his headphones around. He talks louder and is slower to respond because he can’t hear as well, but he loves wearing them.

Olive’s first jewelry box thanks to Auntie H and fam.

Jack had his birthday date this night and got ice cream with lots of toppings and played games that he brought with Daddy. Jack wins at games like Lee does, I am not sure how they do it. He beat Lee multiple times this night. At home, Luca and I played Mario Kart while Olive cheered. I offered to make him a cookie sundae but he chose a pop tart instead.

The Squires family got home this night and Josh sent this. Seeing his joy keeps bringing tears to my eyes. He’s wanted to be a dad for so long, and he’s over the moon that he finally is. It’s all over his face and I love getting to see it.

Wednesday, May 17
I took a rest day from the gym so we got to play a bit this am. Lee was off from work but had a full day of appointments. Was nice to see him for snippets of time throughout the day though. 


After dinner I went for a solo walk and took this picture to show the boys.

Thursday, May 18
At the gym this day, I did 40 pull-ups in the metcon! I was so pumped about that. I ripped my hands in 6 different spots though. 😏

My mom is always thinking of how she can love on us so lavishly, she’s such a gift.

I got to meet Evie this night! Oh my heart, she is perfection! Her tiny features are just so perfect, I could eat her right up!

Friday, May 19

Before Olive’s morning nap, Luca sang to her and rocked her. Both he and Jack love rocking and holding her. Jack did it just the other day but I didn’t have my phone. She loves snuggling them. 

She also has a sleepy time routine where she likes to grab her two stuffed animals, snuggle them, then while holding them, snuggle on me. They have to be in her arms for her to lay her head down, but only for a few minutes. Sometimes, she’ll even nuzzle right on them. Eventually they say goodnight to her and she puts them down. I want to remember that.

My sweet friend made this for me.

We did our usual Friday activities, and we watched  the CrossFit semifinals East too. Our friend is competiting and we were so pumped to get to watch and cheer for her.
And then after she finished her workout, she cheered on those still going. That’s why I love her. And this sport.

Olive is so fun! We laugh a lot together each day.

Mmmmmk that was fun but where’s my milk?!

A late dinner, again. This week has been full of super late dinners for some reason.

Saturday, May 20 
Olive’s first podium!

After the gym we picked up grocery orders and tried to get Olive to nap (she didn’t), then we took the boys to Target to pick out a birthday gift for a friend and to see if there was anything they’d like to use their gift cards on. 

After we got home, Olive and I had some good laughs together.

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