Sunday, May 7, 2023

Week eighteen.

Sunday, April 30
We had TBCØ church at home this morning, rested/played all day. Lee went for a run and the boys ran one of his seven miles with him. 

Olive thought it was so funny to put pants on her head.

I remember putting this Star Wars shirt on her as a newborn, Lee and the boys always picked it even though it was huge on her. Now it fits!

Lee and I talk through what we’d like to do on Sabbath, ensuring we get to do what’s worshipful/restful to us. He said he was thinking he could bake with the boys and watch a movie with the baked good as a movie snack with dinner. They decided on chocolate chip cookies so we found a recipe online, they went to the store to get missing ingredients, and then they baked together. It was the sweetest thing!

Ironically, Luca had been asking me all week to bake cookies. I never relayed that to Lee, so it’s funny how that worked out.

Olive enjoyed watching them. They baked while I made dinner. She had quite the show to watch! It was a busy kitchen.

When the cookies were on the pan ready to go in the oven, Lee texted this to my parents and said “cookies will be done in 15 minutes, come on over for one and some goodnight kisses from the kids.”

And they came!

We ate cookies and then played Old Maid, our current favorite game to play. We laughed so hard! Luca especially is hysterical to play with. Lee is too, actually. Jack keeps his composure for the most part, somehow. It’s hard to do! 

Luca asked for a “selfie with the winners” because these two went out first. I went out last, which means I definitely lost.

Monday, May 1
This day we went to the gym, the chiropractor, then came home and did school and laundry. The boys were feeling big feelings so we did lots of snuggling. 

Somehow Olive got food in her eyebrows at lunch. 😂

Tuesday, May 2
I had a dr appt this am, so we missed the gym. My mom came to hang with the kids while I went. 

Olive thoroughly enjoyed every single bite of her bagel. She squealed and said “mmm” and giggled before and after each bite.

After I got home from the doctor I felt kinda crummy. It got worse and worse as the afternoon went on and my temperature kept climbing. It was so random! I was pretty much down for the count but still managed to get the two school lessons for each boy in that I needed to. Olive miraculously took an amazing afternoon nap so I could rest, which was so helpful because I couldn’t do much past 4 pm. 

I loved Jack’s writing response for his lesson. The gym people are so nice.

Wednesday, May 3
I missed snuggling her and was so grateful to get to this am because I woke fever free. I was really tired but otherwise ok.

Luca insisted on making their breakfast and mine. He was so, so sweet. He also wanted to tuck me in so I could rest all day. I wish I could’ve taken him up on that!

We did school and the day was restful and good. My mom took the boys to the chiropractor for me which was so helpful. 

Around 5 pm my body started to hurt a good bit so I stayed on the couch for the night. Before going to bed, I asked Luca if he wanted to tuck me in now since I didn’t have to get up. He was so cute and excited and did “snug as a bug in a rug.” 

Both boys were (are) the literal sweetest, most thoughtful to me. Jack would silently rub my arm and Luca thought of ways to serve.

Thursday, May 4
Sarah sent me this old blog post she wrote from our first family beach trip and I couldn’t get over how little Luca and Jack were.

The point! Just like Olive. Sarah also reminded me that Jack needed his feet to be on the boogie board because he didn’t want them touching the sand. I forgot that detail.

Today looked a bit different again as I still didn’t feel 100%, so we stayed home from the gym, went to a chiropractor appt, then did school and played.

Olive was putting the carrots into the holes and I was so impressed with her smarts to do so and her fine motor skills.

My dad stopped by to drop things off. Olive loves drumming on the wipes, which is right up my dad’s alley. She LOVED when he drummed with her and when he stopped, she picked up his hand and put it back so he could continue.

Lee showed parts of the Detective Pikachu movie to us and Olive fell asleep on me because she decided to skip her afternoon nap. She is so big!

Friday, May 5
This is the only picture I took. Our day was full right up until bedtime. 😂 

We went to the gym, then home to place grocery orders, do school, met friends at the park, picked up a grocery order, then back home to walk and make dinner.

Saturday, May 6
Olive woke very upset very early this morning so she laid in bed with us until it was time for the gym. We weren’t sure how she’d do at the gym, considering how early she woke but she did great! We picked up groceries after the gym then spent the day resting and playing.

In the afternoon, my mom texted that their friends sold their restaurant and they were going for dinner one last time and invited us to join them and Josh and Abby. It was Olive’s first time dining at a restaurant and she loved it! She had so much to look at and take in.

She looks so tiny.
Last picture with her cousin on the inside (hopefully).

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