Friday, June 14, 2013

weeks 32, 33, & 34

Here is what has been going on around here the past few weeks:

- I am incredibly hot all the time. It is hot here (80's/90's) but I feel like I am always sweating. Even in an air conditioned place. Before getting pregnant, I was always cold. In the summer, I would always bring a sweater with me when we went places because I always got cold in air conditioned places, so this is all new to me. The less I am wearing, and the lower the air conditioning temperature, the better I feel. 

- I stopped working at 34 weeks. It was very bittersweet for me. I was getting more and more tired, and it was getting harder with the 1 year old I watched, picking him up/etc. but I grew so attached to the kids I watched/family I worked for, it was hard to leave. I know it means I am closer to meeting our son, but it was still really hard for me to drive away and not see those sweet faces every day. Thankfully, I know that I will continue to see the family and I know they will remain a part of our lives.

-I get so tired, so easily. After I take a shower, I feel like I just ran a marathon and need to lay down. I have heard from a couple other people that a pregnant woman's body at rest is working so hard, it would be equivalent to a non pregnant woman's body hiking a mountain. That makes me feel so much better at how tired I get doing the littlest things. 

- I often have a hard time breathing, mostly because he is getting so much bigger and is hitting my lungs. I hate that feeling though- like you can't breathe. 

- I am pretty sure I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions. It is hard for me to know if that's what they are since I haven't ever felt them before and don't know what to compare them to. But based on what I am told they are and will feel like- I have been having them fairly regularly. I don't experience any pain with them, they are just uncomfortable and sometimes take my breath away. 

- I make frequent trips to the bathroom, all day and all night long. I am up a minimum of three times a night, and I usually have to go every 30 minutes (or less) during the day. It makes getting tasks done a little more difficult. And it also makes sitting through a church service, almost impossible. Sometimes I feel like all I do all do is go to the bathroom. 

- We bought and put together his crib and dresser/changing table. I am super excited about that- it makes it all very real. 

- One thing I really miss, is going running. I didn't think I would miss it as badly as I do- but I really miss it. (Remind me I said this in a few weeks as I am laboring through the getting back into running phase.)

- He is moving SO much! He twists and turns and flips all around and I am in love with just sitting and watching him in action. I am really going to miss feeling it- I know it will be amazing to see him and watch him move around in person- but I will still miss feeling it inside. 

- He gets the hiccups at least 1-2 times a day. I feel so bad when he gets them. The first time I felt them, I was very concerned that something was wrong. Since it is like a consistent kick, I thought maybe he wanted to get out and wasn't comfortable in there any more. I was literally almost in tears, Lee was assuring me that he was very comfortable and didn't want to come out yet, when I realized "he has hiccups!" I felt so silly that I got so upset, and ever since that night he now gets them daily. 

Some bump pictures: 

(not sure why that one is so blurry!)

1 comment:

  1. "I often have a hard time breathing, mostly because he is getting so much bigger and is hitting my lungs." – this reminds me of that phone conversation where i could hear your breathing. makes more sense now.

    p.s. i hope you washed that towel in between photos.
