Wednesday, April 18, 2018

2018, Week 15 (April 8-14)

Sunday, April 8

We had a slow morning this day. I tried this shirt on Jack to see if it fit and was surprised to see it did! Luca wore that shirt to Josh and Abby's wedding rehearsal when I was pregnant with Jack. 

I love slow Sunday mornings. After a bit, I spent the majority of the day food prepping. I have been having a hard time eating as clean as I would like and I think it's because I stopped designating time to plan and prep. So this week, I was determined to get back on track and prepped so many things. 

We invited my parents over this night for dinner. It was so nice to see them. 




Monday, April 9

I woke up this am feeling determined to get my eating and exercising on track (both at the same time). However, I woke up feeling super queasy. I still put my workout clothes on, went downstairs and read/prayed but then ended up going back to bed instead of working out. 

This morning at breakfast Luca said, "Jack, do you want to hold hands? (Jack obliged.) MOM! Take a picture!" 

After we dropped Luca at school Jack and I came home. He played for a bit and I just really love one on one play time with him. It feels extra special, probably because it is so rare. But it is my favorite. 

That smile face he gives, so good. 

He was super into holding this remote for a few days this week. This morning he pushed a button and it opened the DVD player and he threw the remote and jumped into my arms. It scared him silly! Then we used the remote as a microphone and it was the most fun. Jack sang into it and his sweet singing voice is probably the best thing I have ever heard. 

I mean, come on! 

After Jack woke up from his nap this afternoon, Luca went in to his crib and read him Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? which is one of Jack's favorites. Luca read the entire book perfectly. It was the best to hear Luca reading and also to see Jack as a respectful listener. 

Tuesday, April 10

Pops day for the boys, work day for Momma. 

That is what Jack does when he climbs on the rocking chair- tries to surf. Our fearless little adventurer! 

Jack became very into zipping/unzipping this day. My sweatshirt, the couch pillows, etc. 

He held onto this movie for so long! He must've known it was one of daddy's favorites. 

Monday night of this week I started to not feel well (after feeling pretty ok all day despite the early am nausea), I had severe body aches (with a low grade fever) and nausea. I woke up on Tuesday feeling pretty ok, so I thought I dodged a bullet. Unfortunately, by the end of the work day this day the body aches and nausea had returned and both were pretty brutal. As soon as Lee got home from work, I went to bed. 

Wednesday, April 11

Unfortunately, the stomach bug I had only got worse. Thankfully, Lee stayed home from work this day and I stayed in bed. 

Lee took Luca to Target after school and bought him all those animals. Luca has been obsessed with animals and hasn't stopped playing with those little ones. He said they are in "prides" because the set came with 5 of each animal. 

Lee sent me pictures throughout the day, which I always love.

I also received a few FaceTime calls throughout the day.

Thursday, April 12

Thankfully, the worst of the bug had passed but I still wasn't feeling well. I kept Luca home from school this day because there was no way I was going to be able to get him there and Lee went back to work. We had a super low key day, where I mostly laid on the couch (when Jack was napping) and sat in the chair when Jack was awake. Thankfully, both boys were super well behaved and Jack didn't try anything too outrageous and was into calm activities for most of the day. Thank the Lord! 

This series is Luca's bunny face. They make me laugh out loud, his face is so intense. He is clearly super focused on wiggling his nose (when he was a baby he would blink dramatically for his bunny face, which is something that Jack now does). 

Jack was super into this particular book this day. My mom ordered the boys the Highlights magazines this year and they are obsessed. In the most recent issue for Jack, he did his first spot and find and actually found the items and pointed to each one. It is now his favorite page to "read".  So I think that's why he was so into that Paw Patrol book because it was a spot and find book. And on the ocean page, he kept making his dolphin noise (which, of course, is the best). 

Couch snuggles. 

Post nap curls are the best. 

See? Both boys were super into books and playing animals peacefully together all day long. When Lee got home, he pretty much took over. I was able to be in the same room as them for the night though, which felt like a partial win. 

Friday, April 13

Since I wasn't feeling up to working on Thursday, my dad offered to come on this day instead. I was feeling better for sure, still very tired but my stomach wasn't in as much pain. I worked all day and then we grabbed dinner and let the boys run for a bit before I had a quick appointment. Walking from the play area to my appointment, we stopped for a quick dance break. Luca joined in on the fun right after Lee snapped this photo. I love dancing with my boys. I love that whenever I ask, "wanna dance?" They are both always willing to stop what they're doing and break it down with me. These are the moments I will treasure forever. 

This is what it looks like to change Jack's diaper sometimes. This meme still makes me laugh out loud every time I see it, because it is SO ACCURATE. 

Saturday, April 14 

Soccer! And it was finally warm! Thank the Lord! 

Going to score a goal. 

Cheering for Luca from the sidelines. 

And pretending to drink Daddy's coffee. 

Today was the first time that Jack tried to join Luca on the soccer field, and then got really upset when he couldn't. So he had some fun playing with the cones instead. 

After soccer, we got donuts. Luca is so well behaved at soccer. Well, in general really. But I really see it during soccer because I get to watch him listen to someone else with other kids his age. He listens, is respectful, pays attention, cheers for his teammates, works hard, tries his best, I could go on and on. I feel so proud sitting on the sidelines watching him. I just want to shout out "That's my son! That cute one there, in the blue shorts! He is mine!" 

After soccer, we put Jack down for his morning nap and then Lee mowed the lawn while I cleaned up the kitchen. Then Lee and Luca washed both the cars. 

After lunch, we all rested before church. I was feeling much better but still not 100%. I still couldn't eat much which in turn made me really tired and dizzy/light headed. This stomach bug lasted a whole lot longer than I would've liked, and sort of made me feel like I lost a week of my life.

At church this night, when we went to pick up Jack from his class and he was playing. He wasn't being held or in the stroller screaming, he was calm and playing! I could not believe it! I was beyond excited. The workers said he cried for about ten minutes but then calmed down and played the rest of the time! Hallelujah! Breakthrough! 

After church we ran to Publix to grab dinner and a few groceries for the week. This was Jack's first time sitting in a cart like this and he loved it. He was so into that steering wheel, he sat there and turned it around and around so seriously as if he was truly driving the cart. 

1 comment:

  1. GO JACK in his class! And Luca the listener! <3 So glad you're feeling better after that whopper. xo
