Sunday, February 19, 2023

Week seven.

Sunday, February 12

Olive started doing this new thing where she will point her finger randomly. Sometimes it’s in the direction of what she wants and sometimes it’s a random hands in the air, I’m #1 situation.

We were excited for the Super Bowl even though our favorite teams weren’t playing. We just love football and I personally love rooting for players’ success. We all decided we were rooting for the Eagles and Jack made some signs to hang up, all on his own.

Luca still didn’t feel well and I felt pretty crummy too, so after church from home we rested most of the day watching the pregame (which I really love, I cried multiple times learning about the teams and the players on them). After the pregame I decided I wanted them all to win, haha!

Game time! More signage attached to pencils and Lee made the boys a cozy spot to watch with the nugget.

Luca drew that eagle!

It was such a good game until the last three minutes when a ref decided the outcome. Both teams played hard and were pretty evenly matched so it felt like a let down to not see them fight until the end. 

Monday, February 13

Olive woke in the night, she had caught the cold going through our family. I was tired from that and poor girl was not feeling well all day long. She tried to smile and power through, like a champ. I didn’t feel great from the cold germs and lack of sleep so we spent the day resting.

She crawled from her room to her brothers’ and found some nunchucks.

Lee, who also caught the cold, came home from work and suggested we order dinner since we both feel really crummy.

Lee brought home flowers for me, even though he didn’t feel great. Sweet man. 

All ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the ones I love the most.

Tuesday, February 14

Started our day at the gym. Moved slowly on this one since I didn’t feel great, but was glad to get to move.

Our school day looked different since it was Valentine’s Day. I really love Valentine’s Day. The greatest command God gives us is to love Him and love others, and we have a calendar day set aside for that very thing! Regardless of its origins, we have an excuse to love people really well and maybe even extravagantly one day a year, no questions asked. I planned the day around that- reading what God says about love in His word and then thinking up ways to show love to others and then do them. 

I told the boys what I had planned on the way to the gym and on the way home when we stopped at Publix we bought a dozen red roses for the boys to hand out to strangers around the store. It was by far, the best part of the day for me. Before we handed them out, we prayed and asked Holy Spirit to guide us to the people He wanted us to hand them out to. Jack gave a rose to one lady who told us it was her birthday. Luca gave a rose to another lady and she told us that it felt extra special to have received a rose from him because her husband died 4 years prior and today was their anniversary. I listened with tears in my eyes. God loves His people so deeply, and I was standing in the middle of it. It was incredible.

After we got home, the boys really wanted to put together gift baskets for one another. So while I showered, they did. They took things from around the house and from their own favorites and gave them to one another. They also each printed 6 coloring pages for each other too. They were SO excited to give to one another and watch their brother open what they gifted.

At the bottom of Luca’s bin, Jack gave a “$14 Jack gift card” (which is all the money he has). I love their hearts and their level of generousity. I also love Jack’s handwriting here.

Oli girl’s first Valentine’s Day!

Once we finished up school, the boys went to play outside with their friends. Another thing they did was pick something for their friend’s family at Publix for Valentine’s Dat. They chose a family game and Jack saved one of his roses for their mom. They made a card and Luca wrote the sweetest note inside about how special their family is to ours. I loved that.

When Lee finished work, we did a scavenger hunt to Valentine’s treats for them. One of my favorite parts of the day is loving on them a bit lavishly too.

We got Olive a little Barbie dream house that her brothers were so excited to give her. Her face watching them play with it is so funny!

Last year, Amy told me that she always makes heart shaped waffles for dinner on Valentine’s and so I copied her and did it again this year. I offered whipped cream too, which felt like an extra treat for them. Lee and Jack made waffle tacos with it.

Jack asked that I take a picture of the tattoo he put on from his friends valentine to send to his mom to show him. He looks so cute; I want to eat him!

Wednesday, February 15 

Olive will hold toys up to her ears like they’re a play phone and I think it’s so funny.

This was a low key school day, I still didn’t feel great and knew I had to reserve energy for the rest of my responsibilities. In the afternoon, the boys went out to play with their friend so I worked on the balcony while Olive napped. 

Spaghetti and meatballs seems to be her favorite so far. She can’t eat it fast enough!

Luca drew this protein shaker cup picture and put it on Olive’s door. I just noticed it, I’m not sure when he put it up. I think it’s so funny that he did that.

Thursday, February 16

I was so impressed with Jack’s independent writing response. The way he wrote a complete sentence, turned the question around, spelled words I used in the question correctly in his response, and had complete sentence structure. This was the first time I asked him to write a complete sentence on his own and he nailed it! So proud. He does these at the gym while I’m working out, and I instruct him on what to do the day before.

I still felt off this day so I changed up school a good bit. Eating lunch with my girl, leftover spaghetti and meatballs. She loved them just as much as the night before.

Today I rested as much as I could, watched the CrossFit open 23.1 announcement, and tried to snuggle Olive who just wants to be free to crawl and climb.

Friday, February 17

The boys made me these for Valentine’s Day at the chiropractor. I smile every time I open the fridge.

The CrossFit open started this day, so we didn’t go to the gym in the am like usual but at night for the Friday Night Lights event they host. 

Luca woke and did all his morning chores and then some- like setting up the couch for me to nurse Olive.

After breakfast, we played Barbies with Olive. The way she was looking at Jack got me good.

I had a pretty bad headache after we finished school so I laid down for a bit with my snuggle buddy.

23.1! My goal was to hustle and get to the rig for pull-ups (I did scaled) as fast as I could (before 12 minutes). I didn’t think I would get any pull-ups, which is why I wanted to push it on every other movement. I met my goal and got through the first three movements at 11:44, and then I did 4 chin over bar pull-ups! I was shocked! I hadn’t been able to do any since having Olive. 

Cutest cheerleaders.

9 month postpartum PR! So in awe of how strong my body is and God’s incredible design.

Saturday, February 18

I’ve never felt more like a mom running errands than I did here.

After the gym and two grocery pickups, Luca and I ran errands together. It felt so special to have one on one time with him. He is an excellent companion and helper to have with me. Easy, fun, and sweet. 

While we were out, Jack lost his second tooth!

My mom came and picked up the boys for dinner and a movie, then brought them home right at bedtime. While they were here dropping them off, my dad crawled with Olive and made her laugh so hard! Then he played Barbies with her and I about melted.

Luca joined in on the fun.

Olive was so tired she fell asleep while nursing, which is a rarity these days. So I held onto her a little longer than I should have. I couldn’t resist the snuggles.

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