Monday, February 13, 2023

Week six.

Sunday, February 5

All ready for church!

I made it 10 minutes into worship before getting the text from my friend in the nursery. As evidenced by the photos below, she wasn’t thrilled with us leaving her.
Happy to be home and in daddy’s arms.

Lee and I helped a friend move after church so my parents came over to hang with the kids for a bit. After we got home, the boys played out back and we sat on the balcony. Lee grabbed takeout for dinner for us all because we were too tired to make it.

Monday, February 6

Olive likes to sit in her chair in the kitchen when I make lunch. I had to make so many adulting phone calls this am that I was a bit behind on lunch which meant I fed her while I cooked mine (vs sitting and eating with her).

Who told her she could get so big?!

Seeing her little clothes on the drying rack is just the sweetest.

The boys wanted to make fancy restaurants and worked hard at them all day. They started like this:

And progressed to this.

Jack made himself a corner office (under that sheet) and his desk chair was a “spinny door” which was my favorite part. He called his restaurant “pizza”- any guesses what he sold?

Under the grey sheet was a kid area in Luca’s. His place was called “pizza slash tea slash cake”. The kid area had a coloring page he drew and toys and stickers you could add to a sonic picture.

Luca’s menu.

And the coloring page he drew that Jack colored.

I was able to dine at both and had an exceptional time. Luca told me I could nurse Olive on the couch beside his restaurant because it was there for that purpose specifically. I told him how grateful I was that he included nursing mothers in his restaurant creation. So rare! 

After I dined, I got up to make dinner. When Lee got home from work, he took a turn dining at both. 
He is quite a funny guest, his pretend play is my favorite.

Tuesday, February 7

This is what our weekday mornings look like. Lee gets home from the gym and helps get the kids out of bed while I finish making breakfast. On work from home days, Lee will sit with us while the boys eat breakfast at the counter and I finish cooking. He helps me be able to get out the door on time for the 830 am gym class.

On the way out the door I was struck by how big Olive looked in her car seat and all I could see in my mind was her tiny newborn self in her seat for the first time on the way home from the hospital.

Jack didn’t feel well this day so he did most of his school work (dressed like that, no clue why the safety goggles were on) and then we called it a day. Homeschool is interesting when one kid is sick and the other is not.

Somehow, we finished school faster than usual in general (aside from Jack’s missed lesson). So Olive’s play time before her afternoon nap was so much more enjoyable (for me) because I only had one thing to focus on (as opposed to teaching two kids and playing with her at the same time).

My parents stopped over to drop off some books they bought for the boys. So thoughtful of them to have purchased the books, and also that they wanted to drop them off as soon as they arrived because they knew Jack wasn’t feeling well. 

I thought my dad looked so handsome in his all black, and I knew Sarah would too so I took a picture to send to her. He said it was his Johnny Cash look. 

While it was short, it was such a good few minutes of conversation. And I got to hug them which I didn’t realize I was needing until they got there.

When I went in to get her from her nap she was sitting up!

I was sitting on the balcony watching Luca play with a friend so I put Olive in her denim jacket so she could sit with me and I couldn’t handle how cute she looked. Naturally, I took 37262773 pictures.

How she felt about the wind.

She was really done with all the pictures. 

Since it was so nice out, we went for a walk after Lee finished work. Then it was home for dinner, baths, and bed.

Wednesday, February 8

Since Jack wasn’t feeling well, I skippped the gym this am to let all three kids sleep. Jack woke much better, thankfully. 


Jack sounded that all out himself (I helped him with “blue”).

Lee got this award at work this day. I’m so proud of him and so thankful for how God did the miraculous in and through him. God is Jehovah Jireh and Lee is obedient and faithful and this award reminds me of those things.


Olive loves to flip through books. I don’t remember the boys being as gentle with books as she is.

The boys played out back for a bit (it was 70 out!) so when she woke, she joined me on the balcony.

The littlest two were in bed, Luca joined us and we all read together before he went to bed. It felt like such a sweet, special time.

Thursday, February 9

I love kindergarteners writing so much. Jack’s spelling is improving, watching him learn and grow before my eyes is such a gift.

Uh oh! Time to lower the crib mattress. Girl is getting big and so strong!

Our morning was a bit off because we had a chiro appt after the gym so we didn’t start school until lunch. But it went so smoothly and rather quickly too. 

I ordered prizes for the boys to earn in school as a part of their reward system. They arrived this day so I laid them out to show them what their options were. They were so excited and apparently inspired because they made a prize box for me when I’m a good teacher. They took Polaroids of themselves and included those, found some coins and a gift card (we’re unsure if there’s a balance on it, lol). I earned a prize for nailing their grilled cheeses for dinner that night, because I can earn prizes all the time it turns out.

Dinner was so good, I had to take a pic.

Broccoli chin.

It’s the smooshy lips for me.

Friday, February 10

Lee had this day off so we got to go to the gym together. On Fridays we do old open workouts with judges, so he got to be my judge. After we finished this one, we used open gym to do another workout we missed earlier in the week. It was my first time doing two metcons in one day and I really liked it.

I LOVED Jack’s response/drawing this day.

I cannot.

Since Lee was off, we took a PE field trip to a new park. The weather was perfect and the boys had the best time.

This is how she smiles with Lee,

…and with me

Diamonds and dumbbells, what else does a girl need?

After the park we picked up groceries, the boys played outside with friends, we made dinner and Lee watched the movie I picked while I napped on the couch. Whoops. 

Saturday, February 11

After the gym, I cleaned for a good chunk of time and listened to the Rule of Life podcast with John Mark Comer. 

My mom stopped by to drop something off and while she was here, Olive took off crawling! She had been crawling, little by little, each day. She started rocking, then after some time she’d move her arms and legs once and flop into an army crawl and scoot. She did that for a while and then she started crawling two paces before flopping down. That’s where she was until this day where she crawled across the entire living room floor! Luca was using my laptop and she booked it trying to get to it! We were all so excited. And it felt neat my mom got to be here to see it. After that, it was also like she had to start pulling herself up to stand on everything too! So many gross motor developments in one day. We’ve officially got a crawler!

She’s obsessed with that rug tag, she searches and lifts the rug until she finds it. The taggies book  we bought her for Christmas? She has 0 interest in and almost seems offended when we offer it to her to play with.

I got a lot of to do tasks done and we stayed home afterwards because Luca caught Jack’s cold and wasn’t feeling well.

Baby girl looks huge here!

After dinner and bedtime, I picked another movie which I stayed awake for. Woo! 

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