Sunday, March 12, 2023

Week ten.

Sunday, March 5
Marc and GP were excited to see Pastor Steven preach in person so we went to the Ballantyne campus this am. Olive stayed home with my parents so I could sit in the service.

After church, we hung out at home relaxing together. We also went to the grocery store for some things too.

Monday, March 6
Jack’s artwork from last week.

On the way to the gym Saturday morning, Jack sat in the back with Luca and he just looked so pleased and proud and sweet sitting back there. The look on his face the entire drive was the best.

He felt grown I think and you could see it all over his face.

Jack had a dentist appt mid day so our schedule changed a good bit.

While we waited for Jack, she kept putting the phone up to my ear so I could talk to whoever was on the other end. My face here cracks me up, is that how I look when I talk on the phone?!

My beauty girl.

Nursing in the car after the appt before grabbing lunch, running an errand, and getting back home.

Tuesday, March 7
I gave Olive her first makeup lesson this am. She seemed to love it.

After I finished getting ready, we played until my mom arrived to watch all three kids while I went to a hair appt.

This series cracks me up. First, drinking some protein.

Then, some kettlebell swings.

My mom arrived with donuts my dad sent (who was home painting), so we made him a thank you video.

I realized some deep things I was carrying/believing while I sat in this chair.  Things that had 0 to do with outward appearance even though my hair was cut shorter than I had in mind. Still trying to be grateful for that pruning (both of the heart and the hair 😂). I know I will be eventually, and when the fruit buds I will look back and see how important this was but man, pruning hurts.

My mom sent these while I got my hair done.

Her face!

Daddy was making her belly laugh.

Wednesday, March 8
Olive at the gym, a series.

The tiniest pony!

H sent me this from FIVE years ago this day.

Lee worked from home so when he was done we all went for a walk. I found some things in the garage I needed and we mailed our letters. On the way back, Luca fell (mid-run) and Jack (who was running beside Luca) tripped over Luca’s (super long) legs. Both boys are ok but Jack was pretty scraped up.

The most handsome baby daddy.

Thursday, March 9
I pushed myself on this workout and was so pleased with the result. At the end, I was biking with everything I had in me, my eyes were closed and my coach stood behind me and said “you’re going to be ok, keep pushing. You got this, you’re almost there.” That encouragement was exactly what I needed to hear and also reminds me so much of what I feel like God whispers to us each day. In the middle of the hard, He tells us we will be ok, that we’re strong enough, that we can. Goodness, the ways I hear from God at/after the gym is incredible! 

Also, my finish time ended up being the fastest of the day (for women)!

We were having the best time laughing together while the boys played with their friend this afternoon.

Friday, March 10

Jack’s extra sweet reading response got me good.  For reading this day, we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and compared it to the book. Luca, Jack, and I had the best conversation about the two after the movie that lasted like 45 minutes! It was awesome.

Such a good reminder this day that God promotes at the right time and that He gets the last word.

We went to go pick up grocery orders when Lee was done working, and stopped at my parents for something quickly. They came out to the car to say hi to Olive, who is majorly obsessed with my mom, and she cried a very sad cry when she realized her Nana was not going to hold her. So Nana immediately decided they’d keep the kids while we ran to get groceries. Haha! I kept trying to hold Lee’s hand to make carrying groceries inside a date. I took this picture to send to my sister because I wore sweatpants out in public for the second time in my life.

Saturday, March 11
If this statement is true, and hope is based on facts and promises of God then the flip side is also true. If I don’t have hope, I don’t believe God at His word.

Sometimes CrossFit math is hard.

After the gym, I went shopping with my mom and Abby. I got home and made dinner and snuggled my babies.

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