Sunday, April 30, 2023

Week seventeen.

Sunday, April 23
We spent this entire day sleeping, resting, healing. We all needed a day with no agenda and just being together. Sarah came over for most of the day too which was the best. Lee managed the kitchen for the morning and I got to play a game with the boys, which felt like such a treat. After lunch, we all went for a walk. It was so nice outside. While Olive napped, Lee, Sarah, and I sat outside talking. The whole day was just everything I needed it to be.

Playing the board game they made up.

Sweet snuggles with my girl.

Lizard catching on our walk.

I wanted to retake this picture, one year later to the day.

I tried to see if Olive wanted to lay her head on my chest like she did as a newborn, she did not.

We ended up getting some sweet smiles though.

Monday, April 24
Lifting weights with my girl! We did the CrossFit total this day, which is when you lift a 1RM back squat, strict press, and deadlift in a certain window of time and then add your total for all three together. My total was 475# (165 back squat, 80 press, 230 deadlift). Lees total was 1,015#!! He’s ultra strong. 

Right before my last deadlift attempt Jack walked over beside Olive. I put 2.5 plates on each side of my barbell and tried one last lift at 230#, it felt so heavy I couldn’t pull it off the floor so I called it. Time was up and I started to take plates off my barbell. Jack asked why I was doing that because I didn’t pick it up yet. I told him it was too heavy and I couldn’t do it and he said, “you can do it.” I knew I had to try one more time, he believed in me and I didn’t want him to see me quit. So I walked back over to my bar and pulled as hard as I could- and I did it! I was so grateful for him and his belief in me. I told him all day long.

He just pulled 455# off the floor and is smiling at the top, insane!

Jack made Olive a sweet toy set up while she napped.

She loves her new kitchen.

We started a new geography unit this day.

Sweet snuggle bug.

Tuesday, April 25
She willingly wore her party hat this am, after refusing to wear it at her party.

The workout was tough this day- prepping for the Murph. I’m not sure if it was the week of illnesses, recovering from a cold, not being ready for the Murph, or all of the above but this workout felt really hard.

I thought this verse and note was such a beautiful visual of who God is.

I loved Jack’s writing response. At first I didn’t know what he meant by “standing by the fence” until he clarified that it was when we got to see Uncle Josh and Auntie Abby over the balcony at Olive’s party. His drawing of a pregnant Auntie Abby is my favorite.

Olive had her one year well check this day so it was a quick lunch and then out the door for that. I’m so grateful for a healthy, thriving girl.

They had to do a finger prick to draw some blood at the appt. When we got in the car, she kept trying to eat her bandaid in an effort to get it off. I took off the band aid which turned out to be a mistake because it was still bleeding a good bit. It turned into quite the ordeal trying to stop the bleeding and get a band aid from the diaper bag and onto her finger. Thankfully, I have two amazing helpers in the boys. After I successfully got a new band aid on, we drove home. 20 minutes into the drive, she had the new band aid off and in her mouth! Luca thankfully got it out quickly. Once we got home, we were all wiped from such an eventful outing. 

Wednesday, April 26

Jack likes to wear just his headphones around, I think he feels cool when he does.

And also he likes to be silly with them.

Luca was making Olive laugh so hard by protecting her from the attacking bunnies.

Monkey see, monkey do. I cannot handle her excitement to be sitting beside her brother, doing what he’s doing.

Spider-Man was around all day.

Reading to daddy over dinner.

Thursday, April 27

Jack made Olive laugh so hard while I made lunch.

They take such ownership over their laundry now (folding and putting away).

Luca had his birthday date this night, a week late since we weren’t feeling well the week prior. He and Lee went across the street to a little cafe after dinner to play games and get a sweet treat. Jack and I played mario kart, watched a show of Jack’s choice and had a sweet treat together. Olive was pretty ready for bed and wasn’t in the mood for Mario kart. She let us know how she felt about it so I scooped her up, tried to finish the race with her in my lap and then nursed her and put her to bed.

After I put Olive to bed, I made Jack a cookie sundae and he let me pick what we watched next- one song of my choice from Encanto.

Lee sent this from his time with Luca. Luca looks so grown to me here.

Friday, April 28
Olive’s face at the gym this am keeps making me laugh. No matter how hard Johnny (her gym buddy) or I tried, she just kept mean muggin’.

Jack was so proud of how hard he worked on his writing response.

Olive didn’t fall asleep for her afternoon nap so I brought some work in to do on the floor beside her since I didn’t get to finish what I had hoped on account of her not sleeping. She was so playful and smiley.

Lee picked up a grocery order on his way home from work and then I made dinner. After we ate, we ran to pick up two more orders and stopped at the new Jeni’s near us. 

Her little face and features kill me.

Olive’s first taste of ice cream. One taste was enough for her.

Jack eating ice cream (or doing anything, really) is quite an experience.

Saturday, April 29 
Olive was looking extra cute in her overalls. After the gym, I cleaned and then our friends came over for dinner.

Lee put Olive’s Barbie in her pocket and she looked like a little momma kangaroo.

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