Sunday, June 11, 2023

Week twenty three.

Sunday, June 4
Olive started walking this day!! She had taken a handful of steps prior, but each time she’d fall she would go back to crawling. But this day, she walked around the entire kitchen and every time she fell, she got back up and tried to keep walking. Her determination and strength were amazing to watch. 

She didn’t let go of that poke ball the entire trip. 😂

After church, we got to go meet Evie! Lee and the kids hadn’t met her yet.

Lee sat down with her and said, “ok, this is where I’ll be for the day.” He loves babies.

The boys loved their balcony and wanted me to see them standing up there.

Monday, June 5
Sweet pics with daddy before the gym because they looked so sweet together.

Walking around and playing in the cabinets while I make lunch.

She loved her baked ziti for lunch, anything with marinara sauce she seems to love extra.

I’m so glad she loves it and makes a big mess.

We’ve got a few lessons to finish up before we take some time off for summer so we trudged through some of those this day. We went for a walk after dinner and we all just kept talking about how perfect the weather was. 

Tuesday, June 6
Sweet pals at the gym.

On days we don’t have to be anywhere after the gym, I program the boys a workout. Their buddy joined them this day.

On the way home as we were about to pass my parents neighborhood Jack asked if we could stop and say hi. So we did! My mom bought battleship and was showing them a quick version of how to play.

The boys, starting with Luca, made me these as teacher appreciation gifts. All on their own! They put their name and ages too because they know I like that.

This girl is so happy, all the time. She and her joy are such a gift.

The boys drawing behind her as she finished her lunch- what a view. As I sat there with all three in my line of sight I had a moment of deep gratitude for them. 

Stay at home, homeschool mom is hard but man, it’s always been my dream job and I can’t believe I’m living it! (Well, I never in a million years thought or dreamed I’d be a homeschool mom too but I feel grateful to get to add that to my “resume.”)

After dinner I went for a long walk. Lee sent me these from when I was gone.

Wednesday, June 7
We finished school this day and it felt amazing! I didn’t realize how tired I was until we finished and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m so grateful to be done and to take a long break, and I know the boys are too.

Praise Jesus we did it! I couldn’t have done it without Him. It was hard but I felt Him carrying me (us) day after day.

Us at the beginning of the year

And them from the beginning of the year.

Jack still wants to be a police officer when he grows up.

Jack’s personality is so fun. He keeps us all laughing.

The smiley face he drew was my favorite, with his two bottom adult teeth and tooth gap on top.

Luca wants to be a Pokémon card collector when he grows up. Poor bubba had a massive canker sore and couldn’t fully smile without it hurting.

He came up with these poses on his own and asked me to take pictures of them.

Jack is so silly and fun, always making us laugh.

Luca also set this up on his own for me to take a picture of.  That’s Lee’s Bible and Olive’s hair bow.

Luca is such a tender hearted big brother.

Thursday, June 8
After my workout this am, the boys did their own. Bike, row, run, ring rows, and overhead squats.

At first Luca couldn’t quite get the hang of the bike, but once he did he hit a cadence of 45.

After the gym we went to Luca's dentist appt.

After lunch, I decided to take the kids to meet my mom at their pool. She was free and I thought it would be a fun way to switch things up and commence summer vacation.

There were a few young girls at the pool laughing and playing and Olive would hear them, scream like they did then laugh as if she was apart of their group. She is so social! It’s wild to see at such a young age and the difference in girls vs boys.

Spaghetti and meatballs continues to be one of her favorites.

Jack’s reaction to Lee’s massive bicep here kills me!

Friday, June 9
My only picture from today. Lee had the day off so we got to go to the gym together. 95# power cleans felt so good so I did some extra work after class on them. After the gym Lee ran to his appt, I made lunch and then we all went to Jumping Jax with the boys’ friend as a way to celebrate the end of the school year. We came home to make dinner and place grocery orders. It was a fun day!

Saturday, June 10

After the gym, my parents came over to hang with Olive and Jack while Lee, Luca, and I went to a baby shower for friends from the gym. Luca wanted to join in, which I loved. Jack opted out. My mom sent me these:

After the shower, we went over to my parents for dinner. The shower was jungle themed, and Luca got to take this inflatable giraffe home. He dressed it in clothes and treated it like a human, which I thought was so funny.

Olive's new shoes arrived so we put those on and took some pictures with them on her. She's slowly getting used to them. I am grateful to have something so that when we're out she has the freedom to walk.

Sweet, sleeping Jack.

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