Thursday, June 29, 2023

Week twenty five.

Sunday, June 18
Happy Father's Day! The boys set up Lee’s breakfast spot and sang to him.

They have the best of the best in Lee. So do I.

Playing pirate ship, a made up game where Lee throws them off the bed. Watching them play while I nursed was the best.

Sweet, sleepy, big! girl.
Monday, June 19
Olive’s first pony!

We were supposed to go to the gym all together because Lee was off, but he woke with a super swollen eye so I went to the gym solo. I got home to furniture rearranged in order to make this epic fort.

Luca went home from the chiro with my mom and got to spend some nice one-on-one time with my dad.

After I showered, my mom brought Luca back and took me out to lunch, pedicures, and Target. It was the best time. Such good conversation and laughs. I’m not sure we’ve gone to lunch just us, since before I had kids.

It was Luca’s birthday date and I planned a surprise pool and ice cream date but it was storming when we finished dinner. So we switched our plan and went to the library and then brought ice cream home from the grocery store. We got caught in some rain but it was so fun to run through it with Luca- it made for some good laughs. Luca was so flexible and mature about the rain and the plan change, I’m so proud of him.

GF Oreo cheers!

Tuesday, June 20
Baby girl’s first pigtails!

Momma’s first toes to rings.

Their reaction when I told them pops texted and asked if he could take them to get donuts and to the library the next morning.

Lunch time.

We were worshipping together, sweet girl was singing her heart out to Jesus.

Wednesday, June 21
Lee took this at breakfast and sent it to me. We’re all obsessed with her and her pigtails.

When I stopped to drop the boys at my parents for their date with Pops, my mom gave me shoes my Aunt Marcia sent for me. They match the ones she got for Olive! I was shocked and so touched.

While my dad had the boys and Olive napped, I got some good cleaning done. I’ve been trying to be more intentional with my time with the boys, playing with them and doing what they enjoy to spend quality time with them each day. I can get distracted by tasks needing to get done, so while they were out it felt good to get some things done I had been putting off. And it meant that once they were home I was free to play video games with them during Olive’s second nap. 

“You’re supposed to be in bed couch snuggles.” I love him so much and his toothless smile and speech.

Thursday, June 22
Olive is obsessed with the lacrosse ball.

After the gym, we had a low key day at home. Luca was really tired, Jack had a headache so we skipped Lego Club at the library and rested. I placed grocery orders and we built legos together at home during Olive’s nap. When Lee got home from the doctor, we went to pick up groceries. While we waited for Lee who ran in to grab some things, Luca played “this little piggy” with Olive, who laughed big belly laughs every time then would stick out her foot for more.

Friday, June 23
We ran at the gym this day, it was my first time running in a while. It felt hard but I did it and had 0 pain! And that felt good. We did 400m 6 times with 1 minute of rest in between.

Olive loves red meat- in her pouches and in real food. Beef and bison are her favorite pouches, over fruit ones! She also devours meatballs, cheeseburgers, taco meat, bison chili, etc.

Trying out her new flip flops from Auntie Marcia.

It had rained for 6 days in a row, so when there was a break and the sun poked through I got shoes on as fast as possible so we could get outside and walk/run.

At one point while we were outside, Olive walked beside me and held my hand. Luca was behind us and said “wow what a beautiful picture!” Then he asked if I wanted him to take my phone and snap some pictures. He took some videos and some pictures and I was so touched that he thought of it.

I’ve been trying to brainstorm fun themed activities to do with the boys while Olive naps. This week’s theme was Super Mario and we made, frosted, and decorated sugar cookies to resemble their hats (M & L). Except the candy I bought came with pink instead of red, whoops. The boys didn’t care at all and we still had fun making and eating them.

Pizza and game night! Any guesses who won Monopoly Jr?! Lee. Of course.  Luca went out first and as he did he said, “goodbye cruel world” which made us laugh so hard.

Saturday, June 24
Happy 13 year anniversary!
To celebrate we started our day at the gym doing an anniversary workout our coaches wrote for us. It was so fun, a hard workout but since it was our favorite exercises it was so enjoyable. We had been looking forward to it all week.

After the gym, we stopped at our favorite cafe for lattes and treats. Lee and I sat on the balcony talking about our 13 years of marriage while the boys played and Olive napped. 

Sharing my very favorite muffin with my girl.

After Olive’s nap, we went with Lee while he got his haircut so the kids could play outside on the turf. The sun was finally shining!

Luca mostly sat on this swing talking with Jack or by himself.

We went home for Olive’s second nap and afterward headed to dinner to celebrate as a family. It was so special and so fun to get to do that.

At dinner, the boys made us hearts and jewelry out of wiki stix. They seemed to really enjoy being out and celebrating with us.

After dinner, we let the kids play on the turf a bit. Olive played with two older girls who had a ball. They were so sweet and kind to her, sharing their ball so freely. While I watched, I realized how much Olive loves a ball and doesn’t have one of her own. So on the way home from dinner, we stopped at Target and bought her one. She loooves it! She laughs so hard when you play with her with it and she even started kicking it around!

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