Friday, November 10, 2023

Week forty

Sunday, November 5
We tried a new church this morning. Olive looked extra cute in her fall jumpsuit.

Toddler life.

The boys made up their own church and called it “The Star Church.”

They’re very into creating their own posters right now. I think Luca looks so much like pictures I’ve seen of Lee when he was Luca’s age.

Olive mimicked my singing and she’s never done that before. She matched pitch and I melted! Lee took the sweetest video of it that I’ll treasure forever.

Monday, November 6
I did my own workout that my kind friend/coach wrote for me next to the class this morning. I had three cuties working alongside me.

They made up their own workouts based on what they saw us do and what they know. I loved it- their knowledge and desire.

Olive, stretching with her best pals.

Jack had his last football game this night, which they lost. Technically, they lost before it even started because we didn’t have enough players show up. Jack did amazing- caught some passes and even did an epic spin move on a running play to get away from a defender. I was a little sad when we left the fields for the season, but also grateful to have a bit more time and flexibility in our schedules.

Olive likes to climb up on chairs and can pull herself right up as if she’s climbing a rock wall. Trying to teach math and watch her is not easy.

Tuesday, November 7
Today’s workout was written for a barbell but I used a dumbbell with my right arm only, and my girl joined me!

Olive had a well check visit this afternoon. Lee worked from home so the boys stayed home with him. She walked in and loved the freedom with that (vs using a stroller).

Our night took quite a turn when Olive started screaming in pain and couldn’t be consoled. We ended up at the ER to make sure she was ok. Thankfully she is and even though it was a long night, we walked out of there with a healthy girl and I’m so grateful.  They put us in their overflow tent which Lee and I kept joking about how it felt like our “concussion protocol” tent.

Wednesday, November 8
We were all extremely tired this day. We skipped CC and spent the day resting and recovering from our late night. I also watched Olive super closely to try and monitor her pain. She wasn’t herself in that she’d cry out in pain or fuss at random times but she moved like normal for the most part. 

I took a lot of pictures to send to Lee who went to work even though we got so little sleep. He’s the best, most hard working guy.  

Olive woke and was ready for books. Sweet girl loves to sit and be read to. Her current favorites: Red Truck, Happy Pumpkin Day Mouse, and Little Blue Truck.

Nana came over early to drop off medicine to have just in case (I didn’t have any for Olive’s age) and she brought the boys donuts.

Olive loves this book. I love this book. And I love that she loves it. Both boys loved it and I loved reading it to them. When Luca was little he would walk around saying “eeek!” because of this book and it was my favorite. The boys giggled (at her age) at the “eek” page and then the “boo!” page and I just feel so grateful to get to read it to Olive/get to read it to another baby and hear her giggle at those parts too.

Jack took our picture and had us make all the faces from the book. The surprised face was my favorite, even Olive did it!

She also loves the book “Red Truck” and points to the man on this page only and says “dada!” Every time. When we get to that page and then sometimes she just flips right to it. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s the page where he is being praised as a hero. Her daddy is her hero and she’s letting us know. I texted that to Lee and my mom and they both said she does the same thing to them- she only identifies the man in the truck as dada on that page only.

Olive spent a lot of her day asking Luca to snuggle her. He obliged everytime.

I love her aggressive smile.

When we left for the hospital the night before, Jack made her a Barbie set up so when she got home she’d see it and feel happy. He’s so thoughtful! 

Earlier this morning, before Olive woke, both boys and I got to snuggle in bed and I got to listen to them share their thoughts and feelings about the night before. As a person who can unintentionally stuff her feelings and not process through them out loud (which is a thing I need as an external processor) I have been trying to work on getting better about that this year. I was so grateful for how Holy Spirit whispered to me to give the boys space to share this morning so I could listen to and hear their hearts and also as a way teach them how to talk about their thoughts and feelings. It didn’t feel forced, it was led by them, and it was just so good. I’m so grateful for the counsel and friend we have in Holy Spirit and how He’s always with us.

Monkey see monkey do.

Jack’s Lego creation.

When I ask Jack to smile, he gets super silly and seems to forget how.

Then I’ll say “just smile!” and he does this.

So I’ll say something silly to get him to give me a natural smile but then he laughs and gets silly again.

He’s just the best and makes life so much more fun. And I love his sweet face in this last one.

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