Wednesday, August 28, 2019

the beach! (part 3)

Thursday, July 18 

Come on with this sunrise. 

Early morning hangs with Pops. I think that's the best part of vacationing all together in one place, waking up together. 

The place we stayed offered us free admission for any activity we wanted because of some issues that were present when we arrived. We opted for the aquarium because, air conditioning. We decided to do that this day which served as a nice break from the beach. I think we all needed a little break from the sun. 

Luca's face, hahahah. I can't stop laughing. He is so committed and dramatic. Well done! 

Mermaid pose! 

Just two mermaids, living their best lives.

Luca and I stay so committed to the pose, Jack was never into it, and Lee was for like .15 seconds. 

Touching jellyfish! Nana and Jamya were the only ones to do this. 

They had a moving floor that you got to stand on and it took you through the big tunnel aquarium tank. It was really neat.

The apple doesn't fall far, I guess. 

Jack's like, "you cray, momma!" 

The adults at the end of the group, without kids. Enjoying a quiet, peaceful stroll.  

Jack had started to climb all the surfaces at this point so I called in reinforcements (Lee). 

I sat on the balcony with my mom and sisters when we got back and put the kids down for naps/rest time. It was really nice and peaceful. Luca wasn't thrilled to be resting/playing alone so he hung by the door asking to come out every 5-7 minutes or so.

Pillow/couch cushion forts!

The master fort builder. 

Jack's smile! He really loved playing in the fort. 

Reading some Blippi with Auntie.

At dinner the night before, Luca saw this gummy fruit shaped donut (with real sprinkles) in the candy store window that he just had to have. They each had a bite or two. It really grossed me out, if I am being honest, but they seemed to like it. 

Val, Julie, and Xin came over this afternoon/evening for dinner. It was great to see them, but I apparently didn't get any pictures with or of them. 

Since we had someone else with us, we asked if Val wouldn't mind taking a group photo. So Sarah, Abby, and I scouted out the best spot to take them. 

This would've been the best background but all of our eyes (my crew especially) would be closed.

Found it! 

This is the best we got. 

The rest looked like this. 

Silly poses!

The fab four. 

Josh and Abby went out on a date and saw this store. They turned in and parked just to take this photo for the boys. They didn't even go in the store. They are the best. 

Birthday ready! 

I was so impressed with Sarah's wrapping/creativity. I almost didn't caption this to pretend it was my own, but let's be honest, no one would buy that. Not even my future self looking back on this. 

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