Sunday, July 9, 2023

Week twenty seven.

Sunday, July 2
After church this am, I went to the pool with my mom and sister. It was the first time I’ve gone to a pool without kids in 10 years. I felt so lost packing up to go- what does someone bring to the pool when they’re going without kids?! It was also the first time I’ve really been in the sun for that long since having Olive and I forgot how insane the sun is! After that, Lee brought the kids to my parents and we all had dinner together- my parents, us, Sarah, and Josh and his family. The only pictures I have from the day are these Sarah sent at the end of the day pointing out Jack in the background of each.

Monday, July 3
Olive loves to get to walk around after I’m done working out and touch all the things. And smile and laugh with everyone as they stretch.

This day she walked right over to the rig and started “stretching” like the rest of us and I thought it was the cutest thing.

After the gym we came home to rest and I did a lot of laundry. Sarah came over after lunch and all three kids were so happy to see her.

Lee got out of work early so Sarah and I ran out to grab a few ingredients for a dessert I was making for the fourth. We also snuck in some time to grab ice cream, browse our favorite local shop, and talk. It was so nice to get to hear about her recent trip and random life things in person. 

Tuesday, July 4
The workout this am was so hard for my postpartum self. It was a partner workout, thankfully, so I had Lee by my side throughout the whole thing encouraging me and reminding me of how strong I am.

Post gym mirror selfies.

After Olive’s nap we went to my parents for an indoor picnic because it was so hot outside.

I love this family photo so much! I wish I didn’t look like a lobster but I still love it regardless.

My dad does this thing where he’ll cut or neatly rip a paper towel when he doesn’t need the entire thing and then neatly fold what he didn’t use back into the paper towel holder. At dinner this night, Jack said, “mom, I didn’t use my paper towel so I folded it so you could use it again.” It made me laugh and smile at how much my dad rubs off on them. So I put it here and took a picture and sent it to my mom.

Jack is so effortlessly cool. He must get that from Lee because it ain’t from me.

Olive fell asleep on me while nursing this night and I soaked up the extra snuggles.
Wednesday, July 5
We stayed home from the gym so we could have a slow am. We ended up having a slow day, which I think we all needed. 

I asked the boys to play with Olive while I used the bathroom. They came up with a game that made her laugh so hard and they thought I’d like to see it so they recorded it on their tablet to show me. I thought that was so sweet.

Re-creation of a scene from Detective Pikachu.

Thursday, July 6
Olive walked straight for the blues, apparently she was ready to lift once she became free range.

The way she turned back like this, almost as if to say, “I’m going for the blues. What are you going to do?”

I got this sweet text from Lee that I opened after class. It made me feel extra loved. I’m so grateful for him and his intentionality.

Sarah came over and hung out with us for the afternoon. Olive was genuinely confused as to why Auntie couldn’t put the doll’s shoes on her feet. At one point, Olive lifted Sarah’s foot and tried to put it on by herself because Sarah wasn’t doing it and she wanted to be sure what she wanted was communicated clearly. It was so funny.

Finally she realized and brought Auntie a pair that fit.

And then she decided she needed to change into sandals too. The love this girl has for shoes at such a young age baffles me! How?! And also, I love it! She’s just like her momma.

When Olive was napping, we all traded Pokémon cards. The boys had selected some to give to Sarah so she could trade with us. It was so fun, I enjoy trading with them because they love it so much. And I loved watching Sarah get into it too. Loving on them by learning and showing an interest in what they are into always feels so special to witness- especially when it’s someone outside of you or your spouse. I mean, that’s how any good, healthy relationship thrives and it was so neat to watch her choose that with my kids. It’s always so meaningful when someone chooses to love your kids like that, so deeply and so intentionally. After we traded, we watched some of Detective Pikachu so Auntie could understand Pokemon more (Luca’s words and desires). Then we played Uno. It was such a sweet afternoon. We said goodbyes to Auntie after, but thankfully we get to see her again in a week.

Friday, July 7
Running day at the gym! I was much slower than I was hoping to be which was so disappointing. I run with my friend Krista, who wrote out our whiteboard this day. We always run together but I could not hang on the 2nd and 3rd runs. I think it was partly the heat and partly an asthmatic cough I had. Either way, I was bummed.

After the gym I did my weekly chores (bills, groceries) and the day flew by. Olive didn’t take her second nap and was very tired at bedtime. She fell fast asleep while nursing and so I got some really good, deep sleep snuggles in.

Saturday, July 8
After the gym this day I spent a chunk of the afternoon cleaning. Then we went to my parents to mow and eat dinner. Olive fell asleep nursing again and this is my only picture of the day. Rocking her in my arms is a dream.

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