Friday, August 18, 2023

Week thirty three (part one).

It turns out I take too many pictures some weeks so I had to break this week up into two posts. 

Sunday, August 13
After the church service ended, they hosted a block party. Olive and I found some shade and watched it all from there while the boys ate ice cream and jumped in a bounce house. Her serious, inquisitive face is so cute!

Her jumpsuit killed me so I took a million pictures of her in it.

We celebrated my dad’s birthday at lunchtime. It was a really nice afternoon getting to love on him. He’s the absolute best and we’re so grateful he’s ours. We were missing some family members, which is never easy, but we made the most of it and I think he felt special nonetheless.

These two, Luca especially, is looking so old to me lately.

After we got home, Luca opened his birthday gift from Uncle Josh, Auntie Abby, and Evie. He was extremely surprised and excited. He’s been really wanting Abby’s jellyfish painting for a while. He insisted we hang it immediately.

They all snuggled him and I was all alone in the chair. I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, they are obsessed with him and I don’t blame them. He is the actual best.

Monday, August 14 
We took Kai home from the gym with us this morning. The boys played and I did laundry and homeschool prep work while Olive napped.

Olive loves to build with those blocks. She will carry the bag over for me to open and squeal with excitement as I do. She’ll get her self seated and ready, all while giggling with sheer joy and excitement as I unzip the bag. It’s my favorite.

My dad sent this of Luca, that whole face scrunchy nose smile must be genetic.

Jack is a very creative builder. He and Kai had so much fun building together. After Kai left, Jack built this track and he was so pleased with how it came out.

After I took the first picture he said, “you can’t really even see it good there” so I tried a second time. This time changing my position in order to fully capture his work. I loved that he voiced his opinion on the picture, he doesn’t always do that.

I looove her curls. They remind me so much of mine when I was a baby.

Trying to put her shoe on my foot. Her love of shoes is still so funny to me.

When she snuggles and doesn’t want to move, she lays her head down like this. She won’t even move her head if you talk to her, it’s like she’s just really into the snuggles and is trying to make it known. She’s usually moving constantly so I think this cracks me up because it’s so intentional- like she’s making it clear what she wants with her body language.

Tuesday, August 15
Olive’s legs look so long.

We brought Kai home from the gym again. The day before they spent a lot of time building race tracks so I stopped at our garage to get our rainbow road track. They were so excited!

And they played with it the entire day.

I think Luca loves that he can hold her standing up and walk holding her too.

She really wanted to open this game all week so I finally let her. She made a big mess and had the most fun with it. It was just cards but she was thrilled with them.

I don’t have any pictures of it but we went over to my parents after dinner to give my dad a birthday squeeze. He told us the best story about their day and getting to see him and hear him laugh the way he did as he retold it was the best part of my entire day. I love him so much and when he laughs a deep laugh it will always be my favorite thing. 
Wednesday, August 16
We had a slower morning (and day, actually) because we stayed home from the gym and didn’t have to be anywhere. 

She’s so happy every morning. 😍

Bean bag hangs with my girl while the boys played with the Mario Kart track.

Visiting daddy, wearing momma’s shoes.

The boys and I played a game, read books, snuggled and watched a movie, and snuggled and talked while Olive napped in the afternoon. Jack and I were laughing at how it looked like we had floating heads.

I knew I had this picture from when I was a kid; I lost all my teeth at once like Jack. My mom found the picture and sent it to me this day, so I had him smile similarly so I could make this. What’s wild is how vividly I remember that day from my childhood.

I love Olive’s face as she’s FaceTiming someone.

Actually, it turns out I just love her face in general.

The line of ninja turtles on his pillow made me laugh when I went to tuck him in for the night.

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