Sunday, August 13, 2023

Week thirty two.

Sunday, August 6
Early morning snuggles.

The tooth fairy came!

Sweet gummy smile 😍

Luca was sitting with Lee. When he got up to do something, Olive ran over and took his spot so fast! Daddy’s lap is a coveted spot.

Olive has mastered latte art.

We went for a long walk to get out and move. It was hot but moving felt good. Jack found this gigantic leaf!

We watched the final day of the games most of the day. We stayed home from church to be able to give Olive good naps because she has a cough and I didn’t want it to turn into anything else (remember all the dr office surface licking she did? 😏). Anyways, by the end of the day I felt kinda badly that we didn’t spend more time with the boys. Luca, though, at the end of the night took it upon himself to write and do his own workout. He was inspired from all the fitnessing we watched and it was actually really awesome to see that in him. So while I felt bad, I was also grateful for how it turned out in that way. 

He did sit ups, burpees, push ups, jumping jacks, squats, wall walks, wheel barrel walks, and more. I joined in on the wall sits and we all took a turn being a wheel barrel. It was so fun.

Monday, August 7
I could eat her right up! She woke this am asking for Nana.

My first time braiding my daughter’s hair. A dream come true.

I tried to be really intentional playing with the boys and limiting distractions this day since they were craving attention after the weekend. 

Luca asked if we could a version of restaurant for lunch so I ran with that idea. I felt so much like my mom who played like this with us often growing up.

My sous chef! Eating on the job 😏

During Olive’s second nap the boys made up their own version of Pokémon club where they gave me and one another booster packs, we traded cards, then played Luca’s new Pokémon game.

After that, Jack started his birthday wishlist and while searching for that we discovered the long awaited Sonic prime toys were out. When I say their excitement was through the roof- I’m not exaggerating. They’ve been waiting for this all year. They had gift cards from Christmas ready to be spent (finally!). Their new toys arrive on Thursday. 

My talented and generous friend made this for us. I can’t wait to hang it up!

Tuesday, August 8
I had a dr appt this am so I dropped my kids at my parents and went to that. Then we went home and I did a good bit of cleaning and organizing which felt so good.

I saw jars like these in the background of someone’s Instagram stories and I loved the idea so much.

I spent all of Olive’s pm nap organizing school supplies.

I still have some things to hang but we’re almost ready!

At my appointment that morning the nurse who did my blood draw had Psalm 46:10 tattooed on her arm. I asked her about it and she told me what the verse said and why she got it. It was a good, quick chat and then I forgot about it. As I was writing out this letter board I thought “I’d like to have a verse at the bottom- maybe one that speaks over our year” and this immediately popped into my mind. So I put it on there. I think God is so cool. He immediately answered. Technically, He answered before I even asked.

We signed both boys up for flag football. Luca had an evaluation this night so they can make fair teams. Jack’s age group doesn’t get evaluated.

I saw this and thought it was so good.

Wednesday, August 9
There was a package at our door waiting for us when we got home from the gym. Their belated Christmas gifts had arrived and needed to be built. And their excitement levels were off the charts!

Jack asked me to take this and send it to Isaac.

I was looking through my pictures and made this. I’m guessing they’re all around the same age.

Olive loves to wear bows and sometimes insists on wearing as many as she can.

When Lee finished work, we hung up some wall decor.

I bought mini ice cream cones as a surprise treat for the boys last week when I ran to the store for something else. But the surprise has been mine because Lee has been loving them more than the boys! He especially loves sharing with Olive who was now been trained to see the wrapper and know the goodness to come.

Thursday, August 10

Sweet gym baby.

She goes right for the barbells, my girl!

It was pouring out when class ended. Loading up the car in the pouring rain is no easy task. Thankfully, our gym fam is always offering to help so I’m never in it alone while I’m there.

I finished the school wall!

Luca worked so hard all morning and into the afternoon on this collage.

Jack read to us while on my lap and Luca held Olive on his while she listened and built (she looooves those blocks). The boys both love when Olive is still enough to snuggle them.

Olive didn’t take her second nap so we ran to drop something at my parents and to grab my Publix order. I ended up leaving the boys there for dinner, which they were so excited about. Luca cried real tears because he genuinely loves spending time with them.

Friday, August 11
After the gym we did grocery pick up in an effort to free up our weekend. We played and did other chores until Lee was done with work. Luca helped Olive ride her bike. I love watching him with her and I love teaching him how to help her.

When Lee finished work, we went to The Cheesecake Factory and to get the boys football cleats. We wanted to take them to dinner there specifically because red velvet cheesecake is Luca’s favorite and was his birthday dessert request. We couldn’t do it for his birthday, so I promised we’d do it once we got home. We decided to do dinner there too to make it feel extra special. The night turned out much differently than I was imagining but I was still grateful to be together and for the memory made. And laughing with Lee about all that transpired as we drove home.

This picture sums up what trying to dine out with a toddler is like- something I had completely forgotten about. Toddlers are so fun, Olive does things that I LOVE. Like when I rock her, she “sings” as her way of asking me to sing while I rock her. Once I start singing she immediately lays her head down to snuggle. Or how obsessed she is with taking food out of the pantry and plates out of the kids cabinet and plating it like she’s preparing a meal like her momma. Or her personal conviction about the garbage can lid having to be closed. The way she marches over to it to close it, or close it faster than it’s intended slow close, is the best little determined waddle. Dining out though? It doesn’t seem to top that list. 😂

Saturday, August 12
The only pictures I have of the day are from the gym. After the gym we hosted the most fun, sweetest friends for lunch. Then Lee mowed and when he finished my mom and I ran errands together. It was a very full day!

Olive and her sweet pals.

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