Friday, September 8, 2023

Week thirty six. (part one)

Sunday, September 3
Lee and I matched in reverse for church. After church, we got to sit on the balcony and sip our beverages while Olive napped and the boys played. I love those balcony sits so a weekend where we got to do it more than once? I was over the moon.

After Olive’s nap we went over to my parents for a picnic, some flag football, and to make ice cream. It was all so fun! I’m so grateful for them. They’re the best of the best. They (my parents) were making me laugh so hard! The entire afternoon was exactly that I felt like, lots of laughing and fun.

This series is where Jack said, “this is what mom never lets us do” referring to how he’s standing on a chair and Luca is sitting on the counter.

Some back scratching 😂

My thoughtful mom made a batch of DF ice cream for me and Olive too. She has a kitchen aid attachment to make ice cream in too so she used both machines to make each kind. They came out so good and they were fun to make.

I took this to send to Josh, saying I was keeping his chair warm because he always sits there. Jack’s silly poses make me laugh so I’m including all the ones Luca took.

Olive sat in my dad’s chair and was so pleased with herself.

When we got home, Lee was in the bathroom and Olive was sad about it so we called auntie again.

This time, when Sarah asked her to say “auntie” she smiled like this and then tried to say it!

The boys had this idea that they wanted to make a claw machine. This is Jack’s version. He hid himself and he was the claw 😂

Monday, September 4
Partner WOD and it was hard. But I did 6 unbroken oh squats at 55#! That’s a PR for me.

After the gym I got to sit with Lee on the balcony again! Josh, Abby, and Evie came over bevause their AC broke. So while it was getting fixed, we got to see them and snuggle Evie. Olive really enjoyed a real life baby and 100% expected to hold her and feed her and thought Evie was hers. 
And she really enjoyed Evie’s car seat.

After Olive’s attempt at a second nap, we took them all up to the pool for one last swim of the season.

Tuesday, September 5
I had so much to do this day and it was one of those days where I just kept sitting there saying, “gosh I have so much to do.” Which is not productive and I could feel it 😂 I got it all done and we were only a few minutes late to football.

Lunch cuteness.

She insisted on sitting with Luca as he read, moved her finger along as if she was reading, and even used her voice as if actually saying the words.

From where I stood at football I could see Luca on one field and Jack on another.

Jack is near the man in the red shirt, he’s wearing red shorts and a grey tshirt.

I watched Luca mostly and he did great. He caught some passes and said he had fun as soon as it was over (he didn’t have that same experience last week). Before practice he said, “football is going to be great tonight, I’m going to do well.” I loved his positive self talk! Such a sign of growth for him.
Jack got his uniform shirt and mouth guard after practice and was obsessed with the mouth guard. 😂

Wednesday, September 6
We had our first day of CC this day. The boys loved it and did great!

I asked my mom for pictures of Olive because I was missing her. It was nice to get to focus on the boys and their schooling without distraction, but I missed my girl for sure. Wild how that works with more than one child- how your heart can be in two (or three) places at once.

She keeps putting her cell phone down her shirt. My mom said maybe we need to get her a shirt with a pocket. 😂

After CC, I got to go to the gym by myself. That is always such a treat. 

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