Monday, September 4, 2023

Week thirty five.

Sunday, August 27

I didn’t take any pictures this day. I put my phone down for the day and was extra restful in an effort to give my body what it needed to heal and feel better. I’m so grateful for Lee and how he helped in the kitchen this day so I could do that. 

Monday, August 28
This day went a bit differently than I was hoping for. We ended up at home all day, and not able to drive to the gym due to some car trouble. We ended up getting school done early and laundry was done all in one day and I got to clean. It was a super productive day since we were home for all of it.

I had this song on repeat because I needed help remembering what to do in the middle of disappointment. It’s wild how effective worship music/praise is. Especially when you force yourself to sing and dance which is the opposite of what your flesh wants. It helped usher in peace and joy in the middle. It’s such a powerful weapon! Pastor Henry preached the day before about how impactful praise is and I got to put it into practice 24 hours later.

We had awesome praise dance parties all day, actually. All together, around the entire apartment.

Send help! Or a dog.

After dinner I went for a solo prayer walk.

Tuesday, August 29
We spent this day at home again. School was done by lunch and I got more cleaning done! I loved this scripture this morning.

Trying to keep Olive happily distracted while I teach. She was making us coffee while we read the Bible, and would scream at us every 10 seconds when it was ready. There’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure!

#momlife I spent some time googling how to get thinking putty out of clothes. How did he “accidentally” sit on it? I’ll never know.

Play time with Olive.

Jack’s animal habitats.

Wednesday, August 30
We got to go back to the gym this am! Glory! 

Some school work samples.

My parents so graciously let us borrow their car so we were able to go to the gym, dentist appts, and our CC orientation. I’m so grateful! The orientation made us all excited to start!

His name tag made me laugh and I was so glad to see his confidence to be silly in that way.

Thursdsy, August 31
Lee had today off to help with car stuff, so we got to all go to the gym at the same time. We all loved that. Luca said it felt like Saturday and I agreed! It kept confusing me all day! 

The drawing for the question of the day was draw your favorite movie scene. Lee knew mine immediately. 😂

I loooove when kids are learning how to write and spell. It will never not be my favorite.

There was a *slight* chill in the air this morning so I channeled my inner fall vibes all day. Then, when it was time for football that night I put on shorts and a tank because #reality.

The boys have practice on the same days and at the same times, but on Thursdays they’re in two different places. So I took Jack to his with Olive and Lee took Luca. 

On the way to practice Jack asked if I wanted to see him get a touchdown. Obviously I said yes. So when he got one, he came over and asked if I saw. Then he pulled me aside and told me that he asked his coach if they could do the play they did last week because “my mom wants to see me get a touchdown.” I almost died! He is so sweet and also so confident in his abilities! Man, boys love their mommas. Then, the entire drive home he kept asking if I knew how much he loved me. “Are you sure? Because it’s a lot” he kept saying. He complimented me and my hair and then Olive’s. He’s such a love! 

Olive loved watching him play. She squealed happily when he did something and I loved that she knew it was him out there and was excited to watch. When he came to tell me about his touchdown play request l told him about Olive watching him and he so tenderly rubbed her hand and put his forehead against hers. He smiled at her the way he does, almost as if he’s talking to her but words aren’t really coming out. It was the sweetest thing. 

These are screenshots from his touchdown video. At one point, he pulled a boy along with him! 😂

Friday, September 1
I’m so grateful for my friends. I’m so grateful to get to workout and sweat, it is the very best medicine. And to do it surrounded by people who love and encourage you when you need it most? I thank God everyday for all of it.

Another timely wallpaper from Emily Lex!

16 years ago. Babies.

My parents came over and my mom stayed with the kids and my dad came to take me to pick up my car that was done early! So grateful. This day was a roller coaster, and tough in some ways, but we saw God’s provision and love yet again.

Sauce was everywhereeeee!! She loved dinner, clearly.

Saturday, September 2
Holding hands over breakfast.

The WOD this day was to run a 5k. I haven’t run one in I don’t even know how long. The longest I typically run is two miles, that’s enough running for me. It’s not my favorite, but I’m working on not hating it and I’d really like to get better at it. For CrossFit purposes only, not for running in any races beyond a 5k. As much as I’m trying to enjoy it, I don’t ever have any interest in running long distances.

 Lee finished before me and came and met me at the bottom of the last hill and finished with me. I loved that he did that. Running this long was hard for me mentally. I wasn’t in the mood to run and I knew it was going to be hard physically and mentally. The course at the gym is very hilly and it had to be done three times. Going around the same loop three times feels harder for me mentally than running one big loop. Part of the course goes alongside a neighborhood and there was a guy working on his truck on the side of the road, right on the second hill. On the last mile as I was climbing that hill, I was really struggling and kept thinking about how I wanted to stop. At that same moment that man looked at me and told me I could do it and to keep going. I was so grateful, his words pushed me up that hill. I really didn’t want to walk any of the 5k. I knew that I’d be so proud of myself if I ran the whole thing and that if I stopped short or walked parts of it, I’d be disappointed. While my time was slow (36:10), I’m really proud that I didn’t stop. I didn’t give up when I wanted to. I didn’t believe the doubt about how I couldn’t, and instead pushed through because I could. My body gave birth 16 months ago and is still slowly healing, and it carried me through. Seeing Olive’s face at the end, when I turned that last corner- knowing she didn’t see me give up was the real prize. I think I got a lot stronger on this day, and I know she did too because of it.

Post run stretches, that she did also all on her own. She kills me!

She loooves to help out, and is always carrying my water bottle to me. Which is so heavy and half her size!

Lunch time with daddy. Every time I said “are you sitting with daddy?” She looked up at him and beamed!

Olive was very sad that Lee was in the shower. The picture below was her sad face telling auntie all about it.

Then she reached out for auntie to hold her and I said auntie can’t hold her because she lives in Nashville and she made this face. Same, girl.

The boys asked if our friend Sarah could come hang with them and she did! So they kicked us out  and they played, built forts, played games, watched parts of a movie. So many fun things! Lee mowed my parents lawn and Olive and I helped my mom prep for making ice cream the next day. When Lee was done mowing, we ate dinner together before going home to the boys.

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