Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Week forty one.

Sunday, October 8

Olive had a little cold so we stayed home from church this morning. We watched a version of A Christmas Carol for the first time with the boys, which I really enjoyed getting to do. We streamed TBCØ church and had a good, restful day. I didn’t have my phone on me so these are all the pictures I have from the day. My dad came for dinner again and we watched a good bit of football. I also did come cleaning and organizing of our closets. 


Monday, October 9
The best part of our FOTC workouts each week is the time we pray together before. I love it so much. 


I got through 9 rounds and 12 reps in 12 minutes. 


We had the best support system watching and cheering. My favorite part was when Olive “woo-ed” for me mid-workout. 


Sunshine squad, just trying to let our light shine. 


I didn’t intend to take this day off from school but since public schools had it off, the boys' friend Kai was at the gym and we ended up bringing him home with us so the boys could play. Luca did a writing lesson but that was mostly it for the day. 

Olive loves looking at her photo album with family pictures in it. 


Luca had a night game.


He did SO well getting open every play. I’m so proud of him. 


Our sweet friends came to watch Luca play! It was the best. Kai and Glori and Jack played football and eventually Olive joined them. Kai and Glori are the sweetest kids, especially to Olive. 


Luca had quite the fan club this night. Which ended up being extra great because he had a rough game mentally and emotionally so having all the love was perfectly timed. God knew. ❤️


Tuesday, October 10
The night before Jack asked if he looked like a teenager with his headphones (with the cord taken out) around his neck and on his head. Lee and I said he definitely did and he said he felt like one. 

He wore them the entire next day. And I’m not exaggerating, the ENTIRE day. 😂


Jack had practice this night. Luca, Olive, and I went for a walk during it while Lee stayed to watch Jack. 


Wednesday, October 11
He woke up and put his headphones back on. He was bummed he couldn’t wear them to CC. 


Our CC director asked if I’d be interested in subbing when a tutor is out, so I did that this day for Luca’s class. I snuck a picture of him presenting; he did so well! While he presented and during the entire class. Since I was his sub, I couldn’t peek in at Jack at all. By lunchtime, I missed Jack so much! 


My mom sent these of our cutie girl from their time together. 


Olive is obsessed with Nana and Papa. She talks about them all day, from the time she wakes until she goes to bed. 


At bedtime, I was telling Jack how much I missed him because I barely spent time with him the entire day. In the afternoon at CC I sit with Luca for essentials and then after CC I went to the gym by myself. So by his bedtime I missed him even more than at lunchtime. After I told him, he said “here mom, take this and put it by your bed so that when you miss me you can look at it” and he handed me the picture he keeps beside his bed. He is the sweetest boy! They both are. Those stuffed animals behind the picture are from both boys (they gave them to me a while ago) for me to squeeze and snuggle if I miss them in the night. 


Thursday, October 12
This sweet girl watches me and our friends workout each day. She sits and mimics and cheers and smiles and I love having her in my lane as I move. 


Olive loves shredded chicken and rice. LOVES it. And when she’s done, she’s done and those tiny pieces of food go everywhere. 


We skipped football practice this night because I felt so strongly we needed a night home to enjoy the evening and dinner all together, without any rushing around to get out the door and then back in the door to bed. It was so nice and much needed. 

Luca drew this while I made dinner and I’m so impressed with his skill! The detail in the faces and position of their legs seem to be what he’s worked so hard at and improved on the most. 


I made a fall harvest salad with crispy paleo chicken for dinner and it was so good! 


The boys broke this lamp and scotch taped it back together hoping we wouldn’t notice. 😏 We for sure noticed. 


Friday, October 13
I loved this verse of the day. It reminded me so much of CrossFit (or exercise training in general) when I first read it. 


Another timely and beautiful reminder from Emily Lex. 

Auntie Marcia was in town and we got to have dinner at my parents this night so we could see her. She wasn’t here for very long, but we savored the time we got. The boys were so excited to get to see her, and Olive enjoyed some time sitting and worshipping with her. We’re so grateful for her, she’s a such a gift to us. 


Saturday, October 14 
Jack had an early morning game at a field far away and it was raining, so I kept the other two kids home while Lee took Jack. He sent me these, he knows I don’t like missing their games. 


I screenshot this from a video he sent of Jack’s awesome running play. 


After the game, Lee let him play on the playground for a bit before stopping for donuts to bring home to his brother. 


Meanwhile at home, this girl kept me plenty busy. 


I was on day two with a migraine so Lee did the errands and when he was home did most of the rest of the things. He even set the boys up to paint, which they loved! 


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