Monday, October 30, 2023

Week forty three.

Sunday, October 22
Morning snuggles.

Jack’s top tooth is poking through! I’m a little bit sad about it because once those adult teeth come in he is going to look so much older so fast.

Our day was really restful. We were trying to be extra mindful and rest my head and now my eye. Luca and Lee went for a run after we watched TBCØ church. Luca ran for just under a mile with Lee then came up while Lee went on to run more. Later that day Luca asked if they could go again. Lee wasn’t up for it (since he ran 5 miles that am), so we suggested he run some laps around our building. He loved that idea (the independence was extra appealing I think) and set a goal to do more than 3 laps and ended up doing 6! Just under a mile, again.

Monday, October 23
Olive was a bit nervous at the gym because the dogs were roaming, so my sweet friend Gemma skipped her workout to hold her so I could do mine. 😭❤️

I did my last FOTC workouts. They were my favorite ones so far; I love power cleans. My goal was to do part 1 in 3 minutes and part 2 in 5 minutes. I did part 1 in 3 minutes and part 2 in 3:51! I was so pleased.

I commented on how much tape Jack used to hang his pictures Auntie H sent and Luca said, “he made them frames.” 🥰 Kids are the best. And Jack is so cute.

One of Olive’s favorite books is Little Blue Truck, so I took these to send to my friend Shelley whose girls loved it too. Lee commented that it’s funny she seems to really like truck books and I said it might be because it’s all we have! 😂 We have SO many truck board books with her two older brothers.

Tuesday, October 24
How Olive sits in her high chair 😏

Grateful to get to move.

She loves being free range at the gym.

She did some front squats with her barbell and it was the cutest thing.

Jack rowed and Luca (you can see his feet in the background) ran laps. They both wanted to work out.

When we got home, this happened and I melted.

Luca casually handed this amazing drawing to me and I was speechless! It’s so good!

Both boys had football practice this night. It gets cold so fast when the sun goes down! Jack’s having such a good football experience and Luca is having a good one too with some hard mixed in. Luca is doing amazing with it though, we are so so so proud of him. We are all learning a lot of valuable lessons which is good but man, it’s hard.


Wednesday, October 25
Jack shared his other abstract painting at CC this day. I loved this painting too and I loved how he shared it and hearing his little voice.

It’s so strange to be away from Olive all day. I love getting to spend time with her afterwards though, it’s extra sweet.

Thursday, October 26
After the gym we hustled and got school all done so we could meet friends at the pumpkin patch. We originally planned to go the night before but we learned they closed at 6, so we had to quickly find a new time that worked. The only down side was that Lee was working and couldn’t join for the new time.

We were ready! Almost all the pictures from this day are from either Gemma or Krista, the ones that aren’t very good are my own. 😂

While we waited for the hayride, Krista (who is like everyone’s fun aunt, who is down for anything at all times) played tether ball with the kids.

The sun in the eyes photos kill me 😂

Luca’s finger got more intrusive the more photos he took. 😂

After Krista took Olive down for her first ever big slide ride (see? she’s the fun one for sure), I took a turn. And Krista took this great shot of it.

The corn maze was hot. HOT. And we were all grateful when it was over, I think (well, except the boys). The man at the entrance was the sweetest; he told the kids they were valuable gifts to God and he was so funny too. I loved that unexpected blessing over our kids and our day. 

Getting to do this with this group just felt like such a gift. We were texting about it afterwards and Courtney said it is just the best when friends love your kids like their own and friends raise kids your kids love to be around. And I just couldn’t agree with that more. My kids adore Coach Courtney (who will forever be known as “coach” I think 😂), Miss Krista, and Miss Gemma. And they love spending time with Kai and Glori. Their friendships mean so much to me/us.

Gemma helped me recreate this photo ❤️

So I could make this. My girl is getting so big!

The last three years of corn mazes.

The only thing we didn’t do at the pumpkin patch was get pumpkins! Their selection wasn’t the best so we decided we’d grab some elsewhere. But the kids sure did look cute looking for one!

Sweet Kai found a pumpkin just for Olive. She was obsessed and held it like a baby.

Waiting for their ice cream on this 80 degree fall day.

After our sweet treat, the kids played in the kid zone. They played on the jungle gym/obstacle course in the background of this picture and then raced on these pedal cars for the majority of our remaining time before they closed for the day. They all loved these cars!

Olive, who always wants to be included, insisted on being on a car too.

Such a great day!

Friday, October 27
Tristan so sweetly played with Olive and the dogs and made her feel safe enough to stand there and throw the ball and pet them!

After the gym we went right to Jack’s well check. He is healthy and thriving and silly and sweet and also he’s going to be tall! 85%ile and his doctor predicts over 6 feet! Taller than daddy. 

Keeping a curious, opinionated toddler and two silly brothers contained in a small room waiting on the doctor is quite the task.

At the end of the day we watched some of the Rogue Invitationals and Luca sat like this. 🥰

Saturday, October 28 

Jack had an early football game this morning. He did such a great job pulling flags! He was so proud, on the way home he said, “I can’t seem to wipe this smile off my face.”

After the game Lee gave her this “big kid” water bottle and she was beside herself with excitement.

Luca had two games at the far away field and we knew it was better for Olive to be home to nap, eat, and play so I stayed home with her and Jack while Lee took Luca. He sent me videos and updates throughout both, thankfully.

H sent me these of Jack’s faces while FaceTiming Isaac. 😂

Josh stopped by to pick up bags of clothes for Evie and Olive didn’t want him to put her down.

All together, cuddling on the couch. My favorite part of the day.

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