Friday, October 20, 2023

Week forty

Sunday, October 15
We stayed home from church this day on my account. My head still wasn’t feeling great, and I thought sleep and no loud music and flashing lights would be a good idea. 

The boys never copied the things I did when they were little. Olive copies everything. I was vacuuming and she ran to get hers to do it alongside me. I thought it was so sweet, and I was shocked. 😂 She mimics all of us, but every time is like the first and I’m so surprised.

It was a slow morning; everyone slept in past 8!

Olive’s new thing is to do the cutest giggle, shrug her shoulders up, scrunch her nose, and close her eyes. The giggle almost has a melody and it’s all of our new favorite thing. It’s so funny and cute.

We went to open gym this afternoon so I could do the FOTC workout. It was so much fun, I really enjoyed this one. It pushed me to keep moving and to go further on my wall walks than I normally do, which proved that I can. I was slower on the wall walls than I would’ve liked, but I know with practice and over time I will improve them. Lee got to be my judge this week and he took some pictures too.

My teammate and friend Krista is the best. We are here for the fun and for the laughs while getting stronger at the same time. Shining that light and smiling along the way.

When we got home, I realized Olive and I matched in our pinks.

She refused to put down that beef pouch for a photo op with her mom. 💁🏼‍♀️

Monday, October 16

After my workout, we cheered for our friend who did her FOTC workout.

I scheduled an extra chiropractor visit to try and help with my headache. Olive was beside herself to be sitting in a big person chair all by herself.

We had a good school day. During math, Luca multipled 48x2 in his head. Our lesson was on something else but his brain just started going and he started solving and I watched it all unfold. It was so beautiful to witness answered prayer before my very eyes. And to see the fruits of our labor.

No one had football this night, so we got to all be home and eat dinner together. After Olive was in bed, we watched football with the boys, which I love. I love hearing them learn the game and the way they talk about it.

After we took that picture, Luca said “aw Olive isn’t in it.” So I handed him her monitor and we took another. Our world has completely changed since adding our sweet girl to our family. ❤️

Tuesday, October 17
How brothers “work it out.”

Lunch was so peaceful. We got school done by lunch because I ran to the dentist to get my mouth guard checked to see if that’s what was causing my migraine (it wasn’t). Then we went to the chiro for another adjustment.

My parents played with the kids while I went to the dentist and they had a blast. They threw the football and ran around and enjoyed the beautiful weather and yard to play in.

And Luca caught two long bombs in a row! He was so excited!

This. 👏🏼

Jack had practice this night and Olive kept walking up to the fence where he was and he kept coming over to talk to her, mid practice! 😂🥰

Lee went to the dr for some eye stuff he has going on and they said using this mask would help. I was giddy at the thought of taking selfies with him without him knowing.

I snapped three and he goes, “please stop taking my picture.” !!!!! I asked how he knew I was and he said “because I know you.” 😂💁🏼‍♀️

Wednesday, October 18
We skipped the gym this day so we could stay home and rest in hopes of my headache improving. 

Olive loves to sit and play with her Barbie’s and I am here for it.

I can see one of Jack’s adult top teeth about to poke through so I’m trying to savor his toothless smile and voice while it lasts.

We tried to FaceTime auntie and then we frowned when she didn’t answer. Olive trying to frown was so funny! She would hold her cheeks and try so hard, look at me as if to say “how do you do it again?” And then we both would laugh.

My sweet, thoughtful Uncle Randy and Aunt Cindy know we’re learning about the states this year. They were out, saw this, and mailed it to us! I was so touched. And excited to get to play.

And we also enjoyed the bubble wrap.

How Olive feels about her new combat boots.

She walked right over to the door and could not understand why we couldn’t go out.

Luca had football practice this night, so I went and watched solo. It was cold!
After we got home, the boys took turns sitting with Lee to show him what they’ve learned in math so far this year.

After Jack’s turn, he came and snuggled me.

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