Monday, April 24, 2023

Week sixteen.

Sunday, April 16
We stayed home this day, had TBCØ church in our living room, and rested and played. Olive wasn’t feeling well and it got worse as the day went on.

While Olive napped, the boys drew with Lee. I laid on my bed watching them and reading the Magnolia Journal.

Monday, April 17
Today went differently than we planned and hoped for in all the ways. We spent the am at the chiro and then driving to/from the doctor for Olive, who had a double ear infection. Once we got home, we didn’t do much aside from try and rest (Olive didn’t sleep much the night before).

They took Olive to do a test and we were all so happy to be reunited. Brave girl!

Tuesday, April 18
Olive slept until 9, took an amazing 3+ morning nap, then another 1.5-2 hour afternoon nap. I’m so grateful because she was so tired, plus she still didn’t feel well in between naps and wasn’t acting fully like herself. 

She woke with these curls and she reminded me so much of me with those baby hair curls (I had curls all over my head as a baby).

She loves to stand like this but has no interest in moving her feet just yet.

Jack is so witty. His reading response this day (the correlating picture mostly) made me laugh so hard.
We all ate spaghetti for dinner so I had to document!

Wednesday, April 19
Back at it after 3 days off in a row, moved ok considering the days off and exhaustion.

Luca’s latest drawings:

We conducted a science experiment to see which TP was the most absorbent. We tested Charmin (2-ply), Angel Soft (2-ply), and Scott (1-ply). Charmin used 24 squares, Angel Soft 33, and Scott 77. It was fun to hear their reactions and observations as we did it.

Sweet girl was a little bit better this day, but still not fully herself.

Thursday, April 20
This workout was tough, and I woke pretty congested and was running on little sleep which made it even harder. But I did it and felt so much better after. The human body is amazing.

Sweet girl started to act a bit more like herself this day. She was very into her strawberry at lunch.

Friday, April 21
Jack woke in the night with a fever so we stayed home all day resting. His fever went down all day on it’s own, and he was acting pretty close to normal. I did baking/cooking to prepare for Olive’s big day! 

Her faces and smiles are my favorite.

In addition to her double ear infection, she’s growing some teeth this week. She still loves her llama teether best.

Being silly, making me laugh.

Party decor, ready to be put up. We went with a theme of pink and a dash of llama (as a tribute to her love for her llama teether).

Cakes are made, dinner rolls are done, baked zitis are assembled. Finished an afternoon in the kitchen just in time to make dinner.

The boys were so excited about helping decorate for Olive’s birthday. Neither of them slept well the night before, so we didn’t want them up too late but they did help decorate and help build her birthday gift. They were bummed they couldn’t help put the balloons on her floor, and I was bummed they couldn’t help me do that part too to be honest. I knew how much they were looking forward to it and how special it would make them feel. 

Luca set up her toys for her.

And then Lee and I collapsed on the couch. 

Saturday, April 22
Happy first birthday, Olive! I can’t believe our girl is ONE! I wrote this series on Instagram as a quick retelling of her birth day last year. I’ll post more pictures and notes from her birthday celebration on this day in a separate post.

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