Sunday, April 2, 2023

Week thirteen.

Sunday, March 26 
Morning snuggles. Olive was working on growing some teeth so she was a bit off all day- didn’t nap like usual, fussy, runny nose. Her hand was in her mouth all day and she was extra drooly.

Tea party!

I had serious bed hair in the back of my head this am and the boys thought it was hysterical. I never had bed head before (short hair problems).

We Sabbathed for the entire day and it was wonderful. We had church at home, we rested, and played, and I sang “You’re worthy of it all” on repeat all day.

It’s been on my to-do list to make muffins because the boys (and I bet Olive too) love them but I can never find the time. I finally did it!

Before dinner we went for a walk and I talked with/ listened to the boys the whole time. We talked about Pokemon and they both willingly held my hand. Hands down, best part of my day.

Poor girl couldn’t get to sleep at bedtime and was up until 10. Between congestion and teething pain she couldn’t get comfortable. She was still all smiles and giggles though.

Monday, March 27
Poor Olive was uncomfortable again this day. Her naps were better though, thankfully. She smiled through her discomfort like the strong girl she is.

The boys guided their learning this day and the way it unfolds when they do always leaves me amazed. They love creating their own science experiments so last week I showed them an experiment on YouTube and then we talked about the scientific method. This week when I planned, I left it more open ended for them to come up with their own experiment (that followed the scientific method because they definitely need that structure for their ideas). Their interest level, their effort, their attitudes, their excitement- it was all so good! And while doing the experiment Luca remembered a story he read about the topic and asked to listen to that after. It was an integrated lesson that happened so organically. It was awesome. 

I have 0 pictures of it but I do have these of the boys trying to stand on air. After school, we had so much fun just laughing together, being silly.

Tuesday, March 28

After the gym we ran a quick errand. While I showered, the boys made a hotel. Luca was security, Jack was the boss. It was $100 a night, but free for me because I was their mom.

Olive took an amazing morning nap for over 3 hours! She woke so happy. And since she napped for so long, we got school done by the time she woke.

Her afternoon nap got messed up a bit because of her am one, and by bedtime she was pretty fussy. Congestion + teething pain + an off sleep schedule is hard work for her 11 month old body. 

Wednesday, March 29
Gym, chiropractor, home to shower and do school. A typical day here, which I’m grateful for.

Lee worked from home and we got to join him on his lunch walk.

After I finished doing some school planning, the boys and I had an epic pillow fight while Olive napped. 

Thursday, March 30
Poor Luca suffers from seasonal allergies, and his eye got super swollen from them this am. This picture was after it started to go back down.

He couldn’t believe how his eye closed when he smiled.

My view while I dried my hair, I’m so grateful for it. They’re super into Pokémon now, so a lot of time is spent with those cards.

She is just so cute!

My dad invited me to lunch a few weeks ago and we went this day. I brought the kids over and my mom watched them so we could go. He had washed their car and he got me a card and flowers! So, so thoughtful and loving. We had a great meal and great conversation. It was so special.

After we got back, I placed grocery orders and the boys played outside with their friend. Luca looked so old to me here.

Friday, March 31
She was all smiles after her am nap.

Luca was working on his school work but got on the floor to play with Olive while I helped Jack (which Luca choose to do all on his own knowing I needed an extra set of hands, without being asked, thoughtful boy). And while he was down there, Olive kept handing him her brush so he could brush her hair. It was the sweetest thing. Both boys have the most tender hearts- even more so toward their sister.

Our friend Sarah came over for dinner and this is the only picture I have to show for it. The boys spent most of the night talking with her and she is so great at engaging with them (and Olive).

Saturday, April 1
Jack’ yo-yo skills have improved and he was so pleased with it. He asked me to take a video to send to Pops to show him. Pops enjoys yo-yoing and is pretty good at it so he knew Pops would appreciate his progress.

 After the gym we ran to Target to pick up an order I placed because we needed plastic totes (bins) and then Lee and I spent the afternoon cleaning out, organizing, and reboxing (hence the totes) what needed to be reboxed in our garage storage. We were both so pleased that we finished, how quickly it went, and also that it is so organized and ready to be loaded up when it’s time to move. I feel lighter knowing it’s done!

There are some things left to donate in the middle, but otherwise it’s done!

My sister sent this and I loved it so much. It’s so accurate. I think some people have misconceptions/can be intimidated about CrossFit (or weight training in general) but really, I do CrossFit so I can get up off the ground while holding Olive. Or so I can pick up Jack when he slips and falls into a stream and scrapes up his legs and then carry him all the way back to the car. It truly is functional fitness!

After we finished cleaning out the garage we were so wiped that we called it a day, ordered takeout, and tried not to move. 

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