Monday, June 17, 2019

April 2019

Here is what our April looked like, likely not in the order in which it happened but my (enneagram) 1 self is working hard to not let that bother me.

Going for a run together :) 

This day I set up a drive thru and we played that for a good bit. These two sat in their chairs looking like old men while the "waitress" (me) got their orders ready. 

Jack is obsessed with washing the cars.

Lee and I had a fire this day too, while the boys rested.

At the end of the day we went to the playground at Luca's school. 

On the way home, Luca felt inspired, so he grabbed that movie case and started drawing. 

Lee has been super into grilling and taking photos of the food he grills. And I just think he is the cutest. And his grilling skills are off the chart, which I am a big fan of.

A friend invited us to a glow in the dark egg hunt one night this month, which was so fun. 

Jack didn't care at all about finding any eggs, he was obsessed with his flashlight. 

One Friday this month I volunteered for the day at Luca's school. I told him that I was going to bring him to school, walk in with him, and spend the whole day there and he was SO excited. There was an event called "Rainbow Connection" where all of Kindergarten rotated between various stations and did a variety of rainbow activities. It was so much fun to be able to do this and get to know all of the kids in Luca's class/grade. Plus, I got to eat lunch with this cutie.

After the event was over, I got to take Luca home with me a little bit before dismissal. He told me on the way home he was kind of bummed because he thought I would be with him the entire day, moving from station to station with him. So when we got home he asked if we could do something special together, just the two of us. So we did while Jack napped.

This day, Luca and I drew this family photo. He doesn't like drawing people because he says he isn't good at it, so I challenged him to get him to practice more. 

This was mine. 

This was Luca's. It took me a little bit longer to finish, and when I was done I saw that he hung his up on the wall! Haha, I love that boy! 

I don't remember what day this was, but I remember we played hard all day. No agenda- just played. My favorite kind of day. 

Tuesday morning garbage truck watching! Jack's favorite day of the week! 

This day my parents watched the boys and Lee and I borrowed my dad's truck and went down to Pottery Barn Outlet. We needed a few things and wanted to see what they had. 

Lee found this robe and immediately put it on. Sadly, we didn't bring it home with us. 

Luca was looking so grown up to me this day, so I took a ton of photos of him. 

The boys love to set up their toys and then yell, "look at my set up!" super excitedly (Jack especially gets super proud of himself). They insist whoever is near them come check it out.

The boys wanted to ride their bikes to the playground and bring a bunch of toys. I told them that was fine but they had to figure out how to carry it all themselves. I thought Luca looked so cute wearing his backpack, riding his bike.

Walked over to this. He was reading, felt inspired, and started to draw. 

This day Jack and I went to the office and anytime we go there Jack "works". He makes interoffice calls, responds to really important emails, and does some serious calculations that he prints out. 

(His face!)

He even pretends to drink "coffee". 

This night, post dinner and baths we played with bubbles in the backyard. 

This afternoon Nana got out of work early so she came over to play. While at the playground I said we were having tacos for dinner. Jack loves tacos, but Luca does not love tacos. When I said it, Nana discreetly offered to take Luca out to pizza instead. 

So they did. 

While we ate tacos. 

Luca made a fancy new necklace for himself.

Our neighborhood had a spring festival this afternoon so Luca and I walked up while Jack napped.

Walking into church, looking so cute. My three favorite boys. 

This made me laugh out loud, in fact, it still does. Every time. 

I had a dentist appointment this morning and Luca was on spring break so he and Jack both came with me. They both did SO well that I took them to Starbucks for a treat after. Before leaving for the dentist that am, I asked Luca if he wanted to have a popsicle stand. We have so many popsicles in our freezer and it was going to be hot that day so I thought it might be fun. At the same time, he started asking me about how you make a coloring book. And as we were talking he decided he wanted to have a coloring book stand- completely his own idea! I was so impressed that he wanted to make his own coloring book AND that he thought to sell it at a stand too! I thought it was such a good idea.

On the way to and from the dentist we talked about his stand and what we should do/how we should market it. He wanted to get balloons to put on it and he wanted to give toys away with each purchase, but I suggested a piece of candy instead. He originally wanted to charge $10 per book, so we discussed pricing. We settled on $0.50 for one coloring book, free candy with purchase. So on the way home, we went to Publix to get balloons and candy. 

He was SO excited! 

He made the coloring book that morning, so once we got home I made a bunch of copies and we assembled them all. 

I posted it on our neighborhood facebook page and we set up shop! 

His very first customers drove all the way in from Charlotte, and they bought out almost all of the coloring books! 

We had quite a few customers- I think we sold 21? I actually don't remember how many. But we did have one neighbor come over hours later, ring our doorbell and ask for another one because when her husband got home from work he (a comic book guru) loved it and wanted one of his own. So sweet! Luca was so honored. We even had out of state orders that we mailed to customers. It was such a great experience. We had our first tithing lesson, and Luca learned what it was like to earn his very own money! 

Just trying to use the bathroom, while Jack leaf blows my face. 

Really getting in there good. 

We were playing at the playground and the bench eventually became our "car" that Jack drove and he was living his best life pretending to drive us around. It was the greatest. 

This morning Luca woke with pink eye. Little did I know then that it would be the beginning of a looooooong two months of pink eye. 

He asked if he could draw me. He told me where to stand, how to stand, and then not to move. He was SO serious as he looked up at me in between strokes. 

My favorite part is my hoodie strings. And ponytail. 

This day Jack discovered his love for taking photos. 

We have to practice a bit more. 

Sometimes playtime takes a turn between brothers.

Luca's art is my favorite. Clearly. 

Since we were stuck home with pink eye and Jack's undies arrived in the mail, I decided to potty train. I needed three days of being at home without needing to leave, and with Luca not being in school I felt like this was a good day to start. I wait a really long time to ensure my kids are ready to potty train. I actually feel pretty passionately about that, but I won't share those thoughts here. Since I waited so long, until I felt confident he was actually ready, I didn't think it would be too hard. He had used the potty countless times before and did great at it. It took 1.5 days for him to get it. The morning of the second day I started to doubt myself because he had so many accidents before noon! But around noon is when it apparently clicked for him and he's been good to go ever since. He tells us when he has to go, even when he is in his bed- he will even wake in the night to tell us. He often wakes with a dry pull up (which we still use for naps and bedtime). 

These three pictures kill me. Luca is really lovey, and Jack likes hugs and snuggles too. Just not as much (or for as long) as Luca. 

Sometimes, breakfast needs to have a chocolate chip smile. :) 

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