Wednesday, June 19, 2019

May 2019

Here is an overload of photos from May, with random daily shenanigans that I don't want to forget.

Day 2 of potty training. We both started the day all smiles, full of hope!

Same day, new outfit. We had multiple outfit changes (outfit meaning tshirt and undies) and quick baths from the waist down. I am thankful that morning is behind us and that it was only a morning of that! 

Cutie! He loves to play toy store or book store. We rotate being the "owner".

Day 3 of potty training and Jack and I both had to go into the office to work this morning. He asked to take my picture and showed some growth. I told him he needed to look for my head and then take the photo. 

Success! Mostly. 

The best part about his interest in taking photos is that right after he takes one, he willingly and sweetly poses for one! Score. When he stood there he said to me, "look for my head!" 

My dad had to leave town unexpectedly but my mom (and boss) still wanted me to come in and work in the office. She watched Jack while I did, on day 3 of potty training. I put him in a pull up but he told her every time he needed to go potty and his pull up was dry all day. 

After we left the office, we went straight to pick up Luca from school. Jack has recently started waking up super early, ever since we started potty training because he wakes and has to go potty and tells us. Which is awesome for potty training purposes but he went from waking at 7:30 to waking at 6. He just couldn't hang.

My sister sent me that, my struggle/what I am working towards. Why is it so hard though?!

His smile! 

Look at his progress! He is a fast learner. 

Since my dad was away, my mom slept over our house that Friday night. It was super fun! Lee grabbed take out on his way home that night and we hung out and watched HGTV together after the boys were in bed. On Saturday am, the boys woke her and they just lived their best life together (the boys AND my mom). She was so excited to wake up in the same house as them, and they were so excited when they woke and remembered she was there! Luca was really nervous about Nana sleeping in Auntie's bed (our guest room). He wasn't sure if she would say my mom could sleep in it or not, or if she would be mad that she did. It was so funny! 

Around noon, I quickly realized I needed a break. Potty training is no joke and it had taken it's toll. Momma needed a break. So my mom and I ended up going out to lunch and doing some quick shopping. It was a much needed, relaxing, fun break.

Back at home, the boys got in some daddy time.

Once I got home there was lots of couch snuggles together. 

Sabbath morning puppet shows. 

Sabbath evening treats. This ice cream is the best I have ever had. SO GOOD.

Sweet one on one time with this cute boy. 

Any guesses what day of the week this is? Tuesday- garbage day! 

I worked in the office again, training my replacement.

Lee worked late this night and I made a new recipe for dinner. I fed the boys dinner and then they drew and read while I cooked.

Waking up at 6 am is exhausting. Jack just can't hang.

I really upped my note game at the end of the year. 

I received Lee's evite for Mother's Day this day, and may have teared up a little at his thoughtfulness and intentionality. 

Post nap hair is my favorite. 

He looks so big to me these days. 

Back at the doctor this afternoon, this time we were all healthy but the doctor wanted to recheck his ear and ensure all was clear since he had two ear infections in one month. 

This kind of mess can happen in a matter of seconds. 

Luca art. His Rescue Bots- front view of their vehicle modes. 

I found these shirts for Luca a long time ago and bought multiple sizes. I remembered that, found the smaller size and washed it for Jack. They are both obsessed. With their bots and I think matching. And acting like bots. Of course. 

My sweet BFF sent me a pineapple corer because she had gotten one and it changed her life. 

This Friday am, I got to be a mystery reader in Luca's class. There is a time slot to read and plan a small activity. Thankfully, my dad could watch Jack so I could do it. 

I had a different plan but when I went to the book store to get Luca books for graduation I found this super fun read aloud. So I switched what I was going to do and came up with a new plan (hence the Hobby Lobby trip the morning of). The book is an interactive high five competition and is just really fun. After I read it, I had the kids partner up and have their own high five competition, showing off the moves they learned in the book. After they were done competing, I gave them all a treat (oreos) with a medal tied around the bag. 

When I arrived, the kids were at special. Luca's teacher had me hide in the bathroom hallway. When the class came in she had them all raise their hands. As she gave them clues, they put their hands down if the clue didn't apply to them. Here are the clues she gave:
1. this person belongs to someone who is a boy
2. this person belongs to a boy who is 5
3. this person belongs to a boy who looooves art
4. this person belongs to a boy who loves one of the songs we always listen to...the Lion King (at this point I could hear his entire class yell his name- Luca G! Luca G!)
I am so thankful for these pictures his teacher sent me, the look on his face kills me. When I rounded the corner and saw him, he BEAMED, ran towards me and gave me the biggest hug. It was truly the best- seeing his face and getting to be there. 

When your person is the mystery reader, you get to sit on the bench seat beside them. Which worked out perfectly for the interactive book. 

Headed home with his medal! 

At Target that night, Luca randomly asked to buy his Nana a card. He picked one out that he liked best, and said he would buy it with his own money. And he did. Then he wrote in it and while I wanted to hand it to her because I knew she would love to hear about how sweet he was in thinking of her, I decided to mail it instead. I thought it would arrive and surprise her and that would be better. Even though I almost said it to her like 22455 times that weekend. 

What I didn't realize was when the card would arrive- it got to her house on the anniversary of my Papa's death. Which, the beauty of that isn't just that Holy Spirit timing, but also the fact that my grandfather always bought my mom cards for her birthday that he liked the best. Most of the time they weren't even birthday cards, sometimes they were get well soon cards. So for my mom to receive a birthday card as an "I'm thinking of you" card on the anniversary of my grandfather's death- was pretty cool. I love how God works. How He sees and cares about all of us, and meets our needs in the most loving and intentional of ways. 

Since Luca was coloring Nana a card, Jack insisted on doing one too. 

This Sabbath morning someone was ready for pancakes, bots and all, before they were ready. 

We ended up at urgent care because I knew Luca had pink eye again. I didn't want him to miss two days of school, so I took him to urgent care to get him the drops ASAP. 

Meanwhile, daddy and Jack played outside in the water.

When we got home, Luca joined right in.

The boys insisted on giving me a pedicure. 

Then we did a little "fishing". 

Jack was sleeping, we were front porch sittin'. and snackin'.

This day Luca couldn't go to school because of the pink eye, and he sweetly made me a card in his room while I was getting ready for the day. 

(I had to count the hearts and fill in the blank.) 

Jack is super into helping make his food lately. 

Living his best life. 

Back outside, playing in the water. 

They insisted on the pedicure again. 

Jack is the king of lounging. He always has been- it kills me! 

Drawing one of his bots. 

My favorite Luca smile. 

Resting and reading together while Jack naps.

Luca was back at school and Jack was lounging- shocker. He was watching the neighbors landscapers and eating some crackers. 

Haircut for Luca this afternoon to get graduation ready. 

Jack was falling asleep in carpool this day, so I asked if he wanted to come sit in the front next to me in order to keep him awake. It worked like a charm.  

I love that face. 

Pre-bedtime concerts.

The difference between Luca playing the drums and Jack playing the drums is the very best. 

The Friday after Luca graduated, he had field day. 

Luca doesn't love getting his head wet. So while this game was supposed to be a fun way to keep the kids cool, Luca was NOT into it. He had a pretty good attitude...until the end. He was done.

At the end of the water game, his teacher ran around and got all the kids wet. Luca wasn't a fan. He tried so hard but...

...just couldn't. He asked to go home and put on his pj's. So we had a little pep talk and he turned it right around and ended field day happily. (Hurts my heart a little though to see that face. He truly tried so hard to keep it together.)

Luca was really good at this one. He got almost every hoola hoop on the cones, I was so impressed. 

There we go! Much better. 

Jack was hot and so beyond done. 

Racing daddy once he got out of work.

Luca started writing a lot more recently. This one says, "Rescue Bots are my favorite because they have power up and energize. My favorite is Chase and Heatwave." 

Porch sitting with Luca while Jack (and daddy) nap. 

This day was the anniversary of my Nana's death. Not my favorite day on the calendar, so I ran over to see my mom and squeeze her. While wearing my Nana's favorite color. Sometimes I miss her so much it takes my breath away. It is crazy to me that she doesn't know my boys- all three of them. 

After we got home, Sarah had arrived and the boys played in the sprinkler. It was the weekend of Memorial Day so Sarah drove in and arrived Saturday afternoon and then went home Monday. 

Posing with their new tigers they got in the mail from Grandpa and GP. 

Sarah and I matched, both wearing orchid. 

We sat out by the fire after the boys were in bed. 

Luca woke this day (the Tuesday of his last week of school) with a majorly swollen eye. So he stayed home from school (absence #21) so we could go to the doctor since it was the same eye that had pink eye a week prior. 

When we got home, we spent time coloring. Luca was so intentional in coloring his Chase to match all the shades of that one. 

I was so impressed that he even noticed the varying shades let alone thought to color that way. His eye for detail is so inspiring and incredible to me.

Lee ordered me a Yeti cup with my logo on it for Mother's Day and it arrived this day. 

Sarah released her book this month! You can purchase it here

He had taken my photo after we waved goodbye to daddy and Luca, so I got to take his. The best trade off, I tell you! 

He asked to hold hands over breakfast. I obliged. 

Luca had a half day this day so we went to say goodbye to one of my co-workers who had gotten a new job. The boys loved her, since Luca was done with school at 10:30, I took them over to see her. We went out to lunch with my parents afterwards. That morning, Luca asked that I still write him a note at lunch time. I had written one in every lunch this school year, and apparently he didn't want them to stop. I told him I would be there with him at lunch every day, but he insisted. So at the restaurant this day he said, "oh mommy! you forgot my note!" So I wrote him one sitting there, and then he wrote me one back. ("I hope you like my note. Love Luca G)

His teacher sent home all of his things, so he wanted to work in his math journal. I was so impressed by his desire to do it all on his own, sadly that desire was really short lived. 

Last day of school!

I love a good comparison photo. Or three. I feel like he grew so much this year!

After school (another half day), I had packed a lunch for all of us and we went to a splash pad to eat a picnic lunch and then get ice cream. I think Luca might be lactose intolerant, so I chose this splash pad because it is right next to a place that serves dairy free ice cream (that is actually good). 

The boys weren't super into the splash pad at first. 

They slowly warmed up to it. 

Luca had fun kicking and chopping it. Jack followed and copied Luca. When water shot up and got him (Jack), he ran away so fast and then laughed so hard at himself. Almost like the water scared him but then he quickly realized it was so silly to get so scared. Or he realized it was actually fun (and harmless). It was hysterical to watch. Again, neither boy is really a fan of getting their heads wet so it's fun until that happens. I think that is why they were so reluctant to begin with. The potential of getting their heads wet wasn't appealing to them. 

Ice cream! Jack didn't want ice cream, he only wanted a topping. So he got a little dish of gummy bears and was so happy with it. 

I have the hardest time trying to get Jack to look at me and smile- all he wants to do is look at Luca. Sweet brothers.

I found this in Luca's folder once we got home. Bestill my heart!

After naps/rest time, we went outside. I sent these pictures to Lee and he said "two photos that perfectly depict their personalities". He couldn't be more right. 

After drawing for a long while, Luca decided to see if he could fit in that bucket of water. Then Jack tried it too with the smaller bucket beside Luca's.

This one makes me laugh. 

We ended the day with Luca drawing me. Again. 

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