Friday, June 21, 2019

the second week in June (2019)

Sunday, June 9

I woke this day with a red eye that was crusted shut. UG. 

We Sabbathed all day- super restful, worshipful day. Lee rearranged the living room furniture and this is the only photo I have from the day. 

Monday, June 10

Playing toy store. 

The cutest toy store owner! Luca's favorite part of playing is making up silly names for himself. When we ask Jack what his name is he always says "ummmm Jack!" It's so sweet, like my name is really good, I pick that one! 

This ended up being an unexpectedly hard day. I had an appt to go to my doctor to get my own pink eye drops. While at CVS waiting for them to fill the prescription, Jack became super clingy and felt SO warm. Instead of driving all the way back home to check his temperature and then drive all the way to their doctor, I decided to just make him an appt to be seen again. I found his fever and behavior to be so odd since he was on strong antibiotics. He had some stomach issues too, which I figured was the medicine side effects until he spiked the fever.

Because I didn't plan on being out all day, I hadn't packed the right things/enough food. So we stopped at Chick Fil A and had a car picnic while we waited for our appt time. Thankfully his ears looked good and the medicine was in fact working. 

At dinner that night, Luca did his hyena sounds. His attention to detail to the various sounds they make and focus when making the sounds KILLS me. Also, his facial expressions.

Tuesday, June 11

Jack woke fever free! Although we have been sick since school ended, Jack is really enjoying Luca being home all day (we all are, Luca included!). Especially when he wakes in the morning. He asks every night before bed who will be home the next day, and he asks a few times if Luca will be even after I say yes. Almost like he needs to confirm his intel is accurate. 

Slow summer mornings are my very favorite. 

Attempting a new breakfast this day. Any guesses how it went? 

Two boys full of


My former trainer and neighbor is doing a kids boot camp two days a week all summer long. I am SO excited about it. Luca loves it and I just think teaching kids how to exercise, the value of it, and instilling that habit when they're young is so, so, so important. 

Look at that squat! Get it, Luca!

Watching/cheering from the sidelines. 

After boot camp, we came in for snacks and to cool off. You would've thought Jack had just completed the workout with his lounging status.

While he was fever free, he was still more clingy than usual. "Me want you" is what he says. And while I hate that he doesn't feel well, that phrase may be my favorite of all time.

After our break inside, we went back out to play and ride bikes.

The boys asked to eat lunch at their table and asked if I wanted to join them.

My mom and Luca had ordered some coloring books on Sunday (because she stopped by to bring us a home cooked meal- such a gift!). Luca knew they would arrive this day and woke up asking to check the mail. And then asked to check it every 5 minutes or so. So when it finally arrived he was THRILLED. 

Back outside after rest time. 

The boys had so much energy. I tried to do as many things as I could to help them burn it off but it ended up being a tricky day full of time outs for both of them. And for momma.

My dad bought an old classic car that arrived this night. It had been shipped from CA and he wanted to surprise the boys, so we met him where it was delivered and watched them unload it. Seeing my Dad's face was hands down, the best part of the night. 

I was standing behind the truck, my dad and Luca had walked over to the side of it. I didn't realize there were flaps on the side of the trailer that the driver lifted up and my dad could see his car. All I could see was my Dad's face all of a sudden BEAMING. He was so excited! I am not sure I have seen that smile in a long while, so it was really special to get to witness. 

Checking her out. 

Luca's face as he watched them unload the car was hysterical to me. He stood like that the whole time, haha. 

(Jack loves to stand and hold his shorts up like that for some reason.)

She's a beaut!

When Luca saw the car he said, "I DEFINITELY want one of these!" and Jack said, "is this mine?!" Jack kept asking repeatedly if he could see the engine, that's all he wanted. Luca wanted to sit in it, and Jack did too- but Jack mostly just wanted to see the engine.

Lee offered to drive their car home so my dad could drive my mom home in it.

We followed them and ooo-ed and aww-ed some more. 

I asked my dad if he had a name picked out for her and he gave me a funny look and said, "I am not the kind of guy to name a car." So I said ok and shrugged it off and then no less than a minute later he referred to her as "Vivian". Not in an "oh I just thought of it" way but more like an "I secretly am that guy and for sure had a name picked out" way. It was really cute.

We went to leave and Luca ran back up the driveway for one more hug but when he got up there he yelled, "GROUP HUG!" I couldn't love his lovey-ness any more if I tried. 

As we pulled away from their house the following happened:
J: I can't believe it!
T: can't believe what?
J: that I got a sports car!
Luca: what? That's for Pops!
J: that's for pops AND me

And ever since, he lovingly refers to it as his sports car. And pops' too. 

Wednesday, June 12

This cute little bunny hung out in our yard for a few days. But then I realized it was eating our grass/grass seed? So now we have some patches in our grass that Lee has worked SO hard on this year. 

But look how cute though! 

How whole30 was going this day. 

One day in the car the boys were losing it a little so I made up silly lyrics at the end of "rain rain go away" and ever since Jack does it when it's raining out. His little singing voice is so cute! 

Thursday, June 13

Pastor Steven recently preached a sermon on these verses and ever since I have them bookmarked and I look back over them often. He says in his sermon to read them out loud, so I do. So powerful and such a good truth to read out loud over yourself. 

Why are peonies so pretty though?? 

Walking out the door for Luca's boot camp and I took one last sip of tea. I guess I was really ambitious with how big the sip was and what I could actually swallow.

After boot camp the boys played outside with our neighbor, Matthew. He is 10 and so sweet with them. He willingly played with them for a really long time. Luca was hiding for hide and seek and kid's hiding spots will never not be funny to me. Though, in Luca's defense the number of places to hide in our backyard are pretty limited. 

Working on our Father's Day gifts.

Trader Joe's Cauliflower gnocchi two different ways. 

Friday, June 14

We ventured out of the house this day for the first time in two weeks- not including going to the doctor/pharmacy. We went to the mall to get Lee Father's Day gifts. Because of my pink eye, I couldn't wear contacts or make up until my eye drops were done (which took TEN days). 

We saw this gem while looking for something for daddy, but how could I not get it for him?!

Saturday, June 15

I got the boys when they woke this morning and let Lee sleep. He was still pretty sick, so I was hopeful sleep would help him. He and I both still had the cold. I think it might've been the longest/worst cold we've ever had. 

We went to the pool this day, for the first time since it opened. I walked downstairs ready to go and Luca gasped and told me how beautiful I looked. He told me again and again. It was much appreciated since I had gone a few weeks without wearing makeup/contacts/not feeling like myself. I know he's bias, but I took that compliment and put it in my pocket. It was really kind to hear multiple times. Any guesses what my love language is? 

The boys had SO much fun. Jack fell face first into the water (he trips a lot over his own two feet). That scared him a bit (neither of them like going underwater or getting their heads wet), so he said he wanted to "take a little break". But then he got right back in- no fear or anything! 

Our neighbor Matthew taught Luca how to draw 3D shapes- so Luca practiced a bit and finally got it!  I feel like I was just learning this skill, so weird that he now knows!

After dinner, the boys still had SO much energy. It was almost as if all the pool activity did nothing in terms of burning the energy they had! So we went up to the field to let them run, run, run. 

Lee put the football in Jack's shirt like that and Jack thought it was hysterical that he had a "tail". 

Lee set the ball up on the taller blades of grass and we all took turns kicking it as hard as we could. It was really fun. 

 Jack took that one of Lee, budding photographer. 

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