Friday, June 21, 2019

the first week of June (2019)

Saturday, June 1

My parents took the boys this day for a sleepover. Originally, they were going to take them late in the afternoon but they ended up taking them late morning! So Lee and I had all day together. We dropped the boys off and went for a run together on the Greenway. Then we spent the day running a bunch of errands. It sounds like a silly way to spend the day, but we had things we had to do and doing them without kids was a treat.

Meanwhile, back at Nana and Pops'...

That night Lee grilled and then we had a fire. 

My parents bought a bunk bed for the boys a few months ago and they (my mom and the boys) were dying to have a sleepover. It took time to coordinate, but we finally all had a weekend that worked.

Sunday, June 2

I woke this day not feeling great. I didn't feel the best Saturday either and I think I just did too much, so when we woke Sunday I was really tired. But I pushed myself and we went for a really long walk together. Then we lounged, went to look at a few SUV's and then went back home to get ready for our dinner date. My parents gifted us with a gift certificate for a really nice restaurant we hadn't been to before in Uptown.

The food was really good, and so was the company.

My handsome man.

City skyline. 

Monday, June 3

My parents drove the boys back to our house and put them to bed Sunday night. So when we woke Monday am, we got to see them for the first time since Saturday am. There was lots of snuggling this morning!

I did a good bit of food prep this morning, today was also day 1 of whole30.

Unfortunately, Luca woke with really bad stomach pains and spent most of the day on the couch in that position. So we spent most of the day cuddling and watching movies.

Tuesday, June 4

Jack woke and had super glossy eyes and was super snuggly, which usually means he is coming down with something. He was also up so many times in the night- like every 20 minutes or so. So none of us really got any sleep Monday night. 

Luca was still not feeling great. 

By the end of the day Jack's eyes were swollen, goopy, and really red. He and Luca both had pretty high fevers. I called the doctor to make an appt for the morning and to ask if I could use Luca's leftover eye drops on Jack until we were seen the next day. She advised me to take both boys to urgent care since Luca was having stomach pains and developed a fever and Jack's eyes needed drops (uncontaminated) ASAP. So we did that. It wasn't a very good experience, at all and I didn't trust anything the doctor there said or prescribed. It was really bizarre. So I made them both an appt with their doctor in the morning to get a second opinion. I did pick up the eye drops for Jack because his eyes were so bad and I knew he needed those. 

Wednesday, June 5

Luca drew his doctor a picture. 

"to Doctor Cross from Luca Michael Goodin"

Back at the doctor, for what felt like the 30th time. I think it was more like the 12th in 2 months- which is so rare for us! She confirmed Jack's pink eye and also said he had a raging ear infection- so bad that it would be very likely his eardrum would burst (praise Jesus that never ending up happening!). The medicine the doctor at urgent care had prescribed wouldn't successfully treat both the eyes and ears, so she prescribed a new medicine that would. I initially made the appointment this day for Luca because I was concerned about his stomach pains, the doctor the night before said he had an ear infection but then never prescribed him any medicine for it and didn't focus much on the stomach. 

His doctor and I talked at length about the things happening with Luca (stomach, swollen lymph nodes that didn't go down in size, and fluid in his ear that wasn't properly draining). She said he didn't have an ear infection and then she ordered a series of tests to rule out things that could be going on with his stomach (especially since he had two days of high fever). I love their doctor, and I am so grateful I went again that morning. 

Giving Jack eye drops and medicine that he didn't like was really hard. I would literally be sweating when I was done. 

Luca was showing how strong he was for getting blood drawn. He was SO brave.

Thursday, June 6

The boys woke better this day, thank you Lord! But I woke feeling really sick. They had way more energy, but I had none. They did a really good job playing with one another and entertaining themselves.

Luca meticulously took all of the toys out of the bin and arranged them into that pile one by one. He was really proud of his "mess". 

Sweet boy worked so hard on a special picture and message for me since I didn't feel well. 

"To Mommy, I love you because you are the best. I bet you were cute when you were a baby. Mom you're good at training Jack to go in the potty. I love you mommy. From Luca"

Building Legos together, so sweetly. 

Friday, June 7

Today was National Donut Day, but I was still feeling really under the weather so we stayed home. I had gotten the boys special donut stickers and tattoos, so we used those this day. 

Posing with their new "ink". 

Momma got one too! Closest I will ever get to the real thing. 

They were super into dressing up this day. 

We only have a Heatwave costume, so Luca diligently made and cut his own Chase costume. 

He was so proud of himself. My favorite part were the sirens on his shoulders.

Saturday, June 8

Luca wrote this for Jack while Lee and I wrestled him to give him his eye drops then medicine this morning.

Donuts! A day late, but I don't think they cared.

Lee and I were both sick at this point, but after a week of being stuck inside, (thanks to Lee and his 3ness energy levels) we took the boys to a playground after donuts. 

This photo kills me, Luca's face. He didn't want his photo to be taken, but he sat there obediently. Kind of? 

I spent the afternoon researching different foods/ways to try foods with my super picker eaters. With Luca's stomach pains (all test results came back normal, Praise You Jesus!), I am thinking it's some kind of food intolerance. Which I can work with and figure out, but Luca is really picky, so trying to come up with new ideas that he will eat is not easy. 

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